
(This is a thread from Mizahar's fantasy role playing forum. Why don't you register today? This message is not shown when you are logged in. Come roleplay with us, it's fun!)

In this forum, all the character sheets are kept for player characters. Feel free to come on in, browse the forum, look at what sort of characters others have created, and then begin your very own!

Moderator: Liaisons


Postby William Shadow on August 8th, 2011, 2:34 pm

Character's Name

William Shadow


Basic Information
Secret :
Race: Human
Birthday & Age : 12th spring 490 AV (21)
Gender: Male


Language 1: Common Fluent
Language 2: Shiber Basic
Language 3: Pavi Poo

Physical Description
Secret :
WIlliam a man of brown almost black hair lighter steaks running through out it hangs down to his shoulder blades, it hangs loose and open able to flail about wildly. His dark demonic intriguing yet foreboding eyes, add a manor of mystery to his stalking and haunting presence. His height sets him apart from others as he stands a tall six foot seven inches. Features sharp but smooth at the same time his eyes deep set and his hair would almost always layer it'self over one of them. On the palms of wills hands he has tattooed focusing glyphs, though no-one has ever dared ask why. Each focusing glyph looks like a sword through a sheild with the point of the sword pointing inwards to wards the center of the circle with 13 of these symbols in a circle.

Character Concept
Secret :
William isn't one for pleasantries scowling and glaring at people he rarely speaks. Even then it's mostly just a warning normally rather rude, or very frightening. His manner of speech often drives people away, he is rarely seen to smile, though when he dose you had better run or prepare for a fight as he smiles when a worth opponent comes his way.

almost nothing.

almost everything.

Strike first. Strike hard. Will always hits first and always hits hard wether it's with his gaze, his presence, or his fist.

Fear cuts deeper than any sword. Be scared of nothing, gaze into the eyes of the death god and say. "Not today A******." Smile in the face of death and laugh at danger.

Character History
Secret :
Much of wills history is not known as he never speaks of it. Though it is dark and mysterious.

Post creation flashback threads:

Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)

Secret :
Magic skills:
Glyphing: 26/100 (starting package)
Reimancy: 26/100 starting package + racial bonus)
(Reimancy elements wind and water)

Combat skills:
Unarmed: 8/100 ( starting package)

Body skills:

Mental skills:
Writing 5/100 (starting package)

Secret :

Secret :
Lore of glyphing seals when applied to skin ( best points for maximum effect), Lore of fighting combinations ( from simple punches through uppercuts and kicks)

Equipment and Possessions
Secret :
He wears a plain white cotton shirt, a dark grey cotton vest, a large black belt with a plain silver buckle, black cotton pants, black boots, and a black jacket of cotton and a large loose black cloak.

1 Water skin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week or 1 bottle of embalming fluid (for Nuits)
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
Spiked gauntlets
1 blank book

His fathers and grandfathers ledger of magic. His fathers and grandfathers experiances with magics. Their lives and their ways of simple things to do.

scroll case:
10 parchment rolls
1 vial of ink
1 quill

Dwelling in sylrias. Apartment.
30 parchment rolls
2 vials of ink
1 quill
5 blank books


Secret :
spiked gauntlets - 5gm
40 parchment rolls - 8gm
2 quills - 10 cm
86gm 9sm
3 vials of ink (1 oz) - 6gm
80gm 9sm
scroll case water tight - 5gm
75gm 9sm
5 blank books - 15gm
60gm 9sm

Thread List
Last edited by William Shadow on August 20th, 2011, 3:06 am, edited 7 times in total.
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William Shadow
Magic isn't scared. Why should i be ?
Posts: 7
Words: 4529
Joined roleplay: August 8th, 2011, 10:44 am
Race: Human
Character sheet


Postby Avant Garde on August 9th, 2011, 11:16 pm


Greetings, and Welcome to Mizahar!

I am Avant Garde and I am what's known here at Mizahar as a Character Sheet Liaison. My job is to help others with their Character Sheets by making sure they are correct and prepping them for playing. Here I noticed a couple of things in your Character Sheet that need some tweaking.

First of all, glyphing and unarmed combat are Skills, not Lores. The difference is that Skills can be built up, while the term Lore depicts accumulated facts, traditions, or beliefs about a particular subject. Please see the Lore Page to gain a better understanding of the difference.

Everything else looks good so far! Please make the mentioned adjustments to your Character Sheet and you'll be thread-ready! Thank you for your compliance, and I bid you a grand welcome to Mizahar! Feel free to message me with any further questions/comments/concerns. PM me after you have made the requested changes and I will remove this post.

Avant Garde

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Avant Garde
Character Sheet Liaison
Posts: 34
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Joined roleplay: August 2nd, 2011, 5:12 pm
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