The old chaplain had a bemused smile for the pair of them, the juxtaposition of opposites that he hoped would realize a paradoxical connection. There were friendships between stranger people: Haimon and himself, for example. He patted his grandson's hand and opened his mouth to say something when words and movement were arrested by an inward-searching look to his face as if trying to figure out what were happening with his insides, or listening to some faint song to discern the lyrics. Darkness stole over the face of the moon, snuffed the stars out thousands at a time. There was a rumbling in the earth before bolts of light shot up into the air to paint the dark clouds with sickening color, disappearing into the threatening, inky sky. "Children," he said suddenly with a voice as stern and strong as a sergeant-at-arms. "Boys. Quickly now. Run!" |