Vileia Gangarn Picture by commission from ConvulsionDesign @ Appearance
Name: Vileia Gangarn Gender: Female Birthday & Age: 21st of Spring 507 AV (4 years) Race: Kelvic (Horse) Horse With a height of 16.3 hands at the whithers, Vileia is a slender and quite elegant looking young horse. The color of her coat holds a gray tone that shifts from steely gray to silvery pale as she moves between light and shadow. Her built is a bit more slender than that of a Strider, but due to her young age it is still possible that she might grow a few more inches in both height and in muscle tone; as it is, she isn't the most well trained of mares. Closely resembling a blue roan with her black masked face and the distinct black stockings on her legs, she is slightly lighter in her coloring with pale white mane and tail. A black dorsal stripe runs along the spine and spreads out into the tail, tainting the pale banner to slightly more grayish hues. The eye color is somewhat rare for a horse; while pale hazel isn't too uncommon, this yellower tone gives a golden hue to her gaze that is quite striking; some find it hard to meet it for a longer period of time, even though there is nothing but kind sadness hidden within. As for markings, she has a few, rather visible ones. Covering the legs, there are wild stripes rising where the stockings pale into the gray coat; covering the shoulder on both sides and protruding from the black line along the back are shoulder stripes that sweeps in an elegant arch, from the whithers and down to the middle of the shoulder. The face has a white marking as well; barely noticeable at a distance, the black mask is adorned with a thin lacing of white that with slight imagination can be taken for a cobweb; it is only really visible during summer and early fall; the rest of the year, winter coat grows to cover the marking with black. Human Within her smaller human form, the young kelvic holds a striking resemblance to the pale healers of Mura; more than once has she been mistaken for a Konti, what with her pale white hair and slight buildt. Here her height measures to around 5'6'', at a weight of about 110 pounds. Still carrying the golden eyes, she is pale and quite weak with thin arms and longfingered hands, no visible muscles; she isn't chubby, but don't seem to have any physical strength. Her age can be guessed to around 17 years, but in truth it is much less than that. Overlapping Traits In both shapes she retains the golden eyes and the white hair, along with enhanced hearing and a strong distaste for meat. Personality
Generosity, Kindness, Love During her childhood Vileia was known as a cheerful and bright girl, full of mischief and energy. She had a bright smile, a kind heard and a deeply rooted wish to help those that needed it; many times her parents caught her with giving away her clothes and money to the poor kids in the cities, she always fed the meat of her meals to the birds in the woods and tried her best to help those that were injured. From one of the old women in the caravan she began to learn about plants and medicine, since she always came dragging on wounded animals (and people) anyway. With age she gained a slight bit more dignity, and learned not to immediately say what passed through her mind. Even so, the kelvic remained good, bright of spirit and forgiving towards anything and everything. It was as if she didn't know how to be angry. Proud and gentle, her warm heart had a place for everyone. Anger, Despair, Grief After the death of her family and friends, Vileia withdrew within herself. The few times she remembered to shift into human form she couldn't smile at all, barely spoke to anyone and kept on edge. Her mind has become like that of the horse, wary of dangers, wild and frightened. She rarely remembers her human form, shies away from people and startles from sudden movements. She longs for company but she fears the violence that took her family away, the longing for a bond that every kelvic holds has frayed and become warped into a heavy craving; it scares her, how she wishes to latch on to someone, and has become yet another source of anguish whenever she approaches people. History
That which is hidden in the past, should remain in the past. Vileia was born as the only daughter to a pair of humans that lived in a loose-knit family of traders; the only kelvic, she was still integrated among them and loved dearly, more because she was different than despite it. They lived almost like nomads, traveling between cities and larger settlements, moving with the seasons to wherever their trading brought them. North during summer, south for the winter, to the coast and to the inland. They never stayed long in one place and used to jokingly call themselves the Svefra on land. They weren't rich, but neither were they really poor; living off the land as much as from the money they earned on their affairs, they were a happy gathering of people that shared their hardships equally with the happy events. She had a lot of freedom as she grew up during the first years, never really expected to do anything other than stick to her mother and help out with the chores when they settled in camps; most of the time she ran around in the close proximity of the group, shifting freely between her lanky foal shape and the less practical one of a human. It was mostly during mealtimes that she took on the shape of the humans, since it was impractical to try and suckle from her human mother otherwise. Especially when she started growing teeth... The girl was a happy child, always smiling and laughing and full of energy. As she reached her third year, she began to help the traders with their work; many were easily charmed by the pale little girl with the wide smile, and fell easily for her tricks. She thought it was fun, and as she grew in size she took joy in being able to help carry the loads of her family; her father tried to keep her from it to spare her the weight and the work, but eventually was persuaded and gave in. One night, at the beginning of summer of the year 511, the group settled for the night in the wilderness along the road between Zeltiva and Syliras. Following their old routines they set up their tents, cooked meals and played music to entertain themselves; Vileia sang and danced with the other youngsters as she used to, and for once she was too tired to spend the night awake, roaming around the camp as she usually did. Not feeling the need for the tents when it was a warm summer night she instead decided to spend the night by the dying fires; sleeping in her kelvic form was way more comfortable anyway, and she couldn't fit that in the tents anymore. A few bells after midnight she startled awake and raised her head, starting wildly into the night. Foreign scents lingered in the air, all the sounds of the wild animals around had disappeared. Something was wrong, but she didn't know what. Then all of a sudden, several of the tents burst into fire all at once; the barking of attacking dogs came from all direction and along with it was the screams and shouts of men and women. Vileia panicked, reared and cried out for her family and friends to wake up and come out; a man tried to wrap a rope around her neck, but she managed to avoid it by rearing and kicking him in the head with her fronts. Scared beyond herself by the fire and the dogs, unable to find her family and suddenly chased by people who wanted to catch the pretty young mare, Vileia was overcome by her instincts and spun around, biting and kicking her way out from the camp until she could run freely, away from the robbers and the horrible massacre. _ _ _ It took about two days for the girl to gather her senses enough to return to the encampment. There she was met with nothing but destruction; all the traders had been killed, many in their sleep and others as they tried to defend themselves. Many of the wagons were gone as well as the oxen and mules that had pulled them; left were only the sacked, charred remains of the tents and the already decaying bodies of her friends. The girl finally broke down when she found her parents bodies; fighting the urge to just turn around and run from the scent of death and beside herself with grief, the girl lingered only long enough to collect what money she could find; it appeared the plundering way-men hadn't found everything, she managed to retrieve a smaller fortune in mizas as she checked the hidden stashes among the wagons left behind. Placing them in a pouch, she tied it into her hair, along with a small gold amulet found in her mothers hand, Vileia then shifted again and turned, before she began to run. She ran for days and nights, barely stopping to eat of the lush summer grass or drink from the streams she crossed. She didn't think, didn't allow herself to feel; it didn't matter where she went, she just knew she wanted to get away from everything that had to do with people. South she ran, south and west, until she reached the grasslands of Cyphrus; a remnant of sentient mind recognized the land for what it was, but by then she had become so wild that she barely remembered that she had a form other than the horse. As she tiredly stumbled over the invisible line that made up the border, her ribs were showing, the head hung from exhaustion and her pale, silken mane was tousled and filled with burdocks. Hungry and tired she was forced to slow down, but continued her thoughtless roaming; not knowing or not caring about the dangers that awaited her on the Sea of Grass. Knowledge
Heirloom: Gold Pendant (mothers) Leather Pouch, containing mizas. Ledger