Basic Information
Race: Kelvic Birthday & Age : Fall, day 1, 505 AV (6) Gender: Female
Fluent - common Basic - Tawna Poor - Nari
Physical Description
Human form: stands at 5'4, weights 120, and is what one would call small and mousey. Her skin is white, her eyes green and her hair brown. She's rahter nervous looking and fidgets a lot.
Mouse form: 3 inches long, she's small and hard to notice. Her furr is brown and her eyes are dark.
Character Concept
Mia is curious and filled with adventure. Yet at the same time she can be incredibly greedy as suits her mouse nature. Being what she is, Mia scurries off at any sign of danger because her sense of self preservation being so small is strong. She likes the presence of people, but always fears getting hurt. Which really is no wonder when she's in her mouse form, it only takes one wrong step and she's done for, crunched to death as easily as a light is snuffed out.
Character History
Born and raised in Syliras, she lived with her parents until the age of two, when she left to start a life of her own. She's since lived the life of a thief, sleeping in the homes of others when they've been away. There's even been times she's slept in other's homes when they're there, though in her mouse form and hidden, but only during times she's found no empty homes or buidings.
Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)
Acrobatics: + 5 SP Camouflage: + 5 SP Climbing: + 5 SP Dance: + 5 SP Escape Artist: + 10 SP Hunting: + 10 RB Larceny: + 5 SP Lockpicking: + 5 SP Seduction: + 5 SP Stealth: + 5 SP
Lore of finding best hidingplace, Lore of knowing how hard a lock is to pick.
Equipment and Possessions
1 linen shirt, 1 cotton pants, 1 wool cloak, 1 leather shoes. 1 waterskin, 1 backpack, 1 comb, 1 brush, 1 soap, food for a week, 1 eating knife, flint & steel. 1 leather belt, 1 red average dress, leather gloves, brown cotton hood, crowbar, grindstone, 50 ft hemp rope, winter blanket, climber's kit, 1 rucksack, 1 bedroll, 30 ft rope ladder, 1 mask, jailbreak tools, thieves' tools, average lock, 8 daggers, slingshot, 10 throwing daggers, 100 slingshot bullets, 1 person tent.
191 gm, 8 sm and 5 cm
(-135 gm living expenses summer 511 AV) (-2 sm syliras bathouse, 511, summer, day 13) (-272 gm , 9 sm and 5 cm extra starter stuff) (+600 gm by cashing in starterhome)