First! Some things it's good to know about me, Reza.
Name: Teresa, Reza, Resa, Riisa, you choose but I prefer not "bitch, whore, squaw" unless deserved
Age: Currently, I'm nineteen. The Mizaharian equivalent of my birthday, I think, is Winter 34th, 492 AV. O-O The earth equivalent of the Mizaharian birth date should be January 3rd 1992, but EH! I dunno.
Sex: Female. While I'm sure men named Teresa have mothers and fathers with a good reason to do so, I've not met a single male Teresa.
Blood Type: O+ (I know some people can figure out personalities by blood type, so give it a try!)
Race: Derp. Female. Urm...... I mean 'mixed blood'.
Nationality: Questionable. While I wasn't fortunate to be born on a plane over international waters, I was birthed in Miami, Florida to two Canadian parents, and I've lived in Canada for about... Sixteen years now? No! Correction! Fourteen years! So... I should really consult a Canadian or something for help.
I wish I was Symenestra... Well... Maybe not with the whole "ultimate act of love" business. Venom=awesome. But Ethaefal have the added bonus of being able to legitimately sparkle in the sunlight (if Syna is their patron). Team Sparkly Vampires doesn't exist anymore now that I know there are such cool things as Eth.

That line just totally confused me.
In other news! Velaa!
Such a sad thing that I want to write a character so very lost, so isolated and alone, that she wants to die. Her encounter of Zanril in Taldera was an act of Lhex, to Velaa's mind, as she had gone to Taldera originally to succumb to death. She didn't want to be in Denval anymore, one could postulate.
Velaa is alone. Everyone she ever loved is long dead, either killed or withering in old age. She has not given a part of her heart to anyone for over half her life and has lived as a hermit outside of Denval.
Some things I didn't post in her CS:
She's possessive. To the extreme. Poor Zanril will soon find that out, but not by her wounding him. (That lovely gouge was accidental.
Her horns are much narrower and less coiled than most. They spiral up, not out, but are still terribly sharp.
She's old.
I'll post some more tomorrow~!!! I'm gonna have some drinks and then crash. I'll be too whatever to post anything coherently, so any other information shall be dispensed at a later date.
Just so 'Coco' knows, me no hate him, but if he hates me, sorry!