It was almost comical how quickly his temper changed. If it hadn't hit so deeply, Rista would probably have smirked at it, poked fun of him a bit.. But as it was, she couldn't see anything funny in the situation. It was definitely not a conscious thought, but the hard and annoyed side within her found the sudden softness with the man to be exaggerated, as if he was mocking her. It was a silly thought, but it didn't want to let go completely. By so visibly displaying her weakness, it felt as if she had shamed herself, and that she couldn't stand.
She avoided to look him in the eyes as the tall man knelt down to sit by her on the floor, and tensed up as he hugged her seemingly out of nowhere. Little one? Was that how he saw her? Rista made a few attempts to move away, but the man probably didn't know how strong he was; she couldn't move an inch. It felt strange to be so close. He was oddly warm, and now that she didn't have the nose tucked against the wounds she could sense his own personal scent a bit more; sweat, yes, but also that fragrance that came from skin and soap and other things... Almost against her will the girl relaxed, her head coming to rest a bit better against the others shoulder.
So strange, she hadn't felt like this since... well, she had hugged her brother without restraint when Karva was still alive, and there had probably been a nurse-maid or two who had earned her affection. But besides that, nothing. The hand that ran over her hair was comforting, and she felt herself calming down slowly but surely. My, it wasn't just him who was quick in the mood changes, it seemed. She sighed a little and closed her eyes, fingers moving a bit awkwardly; what was she supposed to do, hug back? It felt even stranger, the thought made her oddly reluctant. Oh, so this was her limit? A hug was fine, it could be tolerated and perhaps even enjoyed a little bit. More would just feel strange and wrong though... It was a comforting feeling, somehow. At the very least, this mongrel wasn't easy on her feet, that much she had found out now.
She was spared any further decisions. A small squawk of surprise escaped the little yasi as she was lifted up seemingly without any trouble at all, and carried over to her bed. As she was released, she quickly sat up again and cleared her throat, the cheeks a little flushed from the treatment. It was as if she was nothing more than a little kid, ordered to bed by a father.. The thought made a slightly bitter smile tug at her mouth. She had never known a father, he had left long before she was born; he probably didn't know that she existed, if he even was alive. Her mother was probably around somewhere, she had met her once or twice when she was really small. All she remembered were the red hair and lined face of a dek that probably was pretty, but not intelligent enough to make use of it to get herself to a better position in life. Even if the woman was still alive, which was very possible, she had nothing to do with Rista. 'Mother' was just a word that held no meaning to her.
Busying her fingers with straightening out the blankets beneath her, she listened awkwardly to his excuses, not sure if she wanted to just forgive him and get it over with or scold him for being too.. too nice. She twisted a bit at his words of regret about stepping over line, and a faint humorous smile appeared, flickering and weak, but visible none the less.
"Isn't it a bit late to think about crossing boundaries, Taln?" she said quietly and rubbed her fingers against one another, to rid them of the mucus that covered some of them. She felt calmer now, and slightly more composed; she was still hurting within, but at least she had stopped cowering. "I don't know what got into me, to react like that.. It must be because I'm tired. You're not to blame, I probably didn't express myself well, as usual; no one's ever commended me for my tact, or for being a great knower of people." The smile widened a bit as she glanced over at him; the dangling threads of the last stitch annoyed her eyes, but she kept her fingers at bay for the time being. The softness of the bunk was pleasant and her body ached to lie down, but she couldn't. Not just yet..
"I understand your point" she continued, jumping over to the topic of his wounds. "If you really don't want me to continue then I won't.. Just, can I please get to finish that last one? I just have to tie it together, if it keeps dangling like that it'll get stuck.." She almost sounded pleading, the eyes stuck on the annoying loose ends as if it physically hurt to look at them. It was amusing, even more so than the fact that she was allowing herself to be pushed around by a dek. It was as if their roles had been reversed, and the girl barely noticed when it happened. It really was a shame, that his eyes were so bad; he'd make a good Endal, if she was one to judge.
"If only there had been a divine healer in Wind Reach.." she mumbled to herself and looked up at Taln, smiling faintly and with a unusually soft look on her face. But perhaps there was nothing to be done this long after the injury occurred... She didn't know. Rista had no knowledge when it came to healing or medicine, she didn't even know how to wrap a bandage in a good way.