Basic Information: Name: Scharis re Underia (Shar-iss Ree Uhn-der-Ea Race: Eypharian Age/Birthday: 27 / 01 Summer 484 Gender: Male Deity: Undecided
Physical Description Scharis stands tall for an Eypharian with a height of 6’ 8” tall with a very well defined body with a weight of 260lbs honed through years of physical training in preparation for becoming a Jackal. As an Eypharian, Scharis was born with 4 arms, all of which he can use as dexterously as any other human with their two arms. Scharis keeps his hair a medium length; falling just past his shoulders and typically pulled into a tight braid with nice glasswork beads and a few small gems brained into it; save for the sides of his head which he keeps shaved close to the skin. Scharis has a sharp, well chiseled face, with good features, safe for two scars. The first is a small scar running down the left side of his mouth and down his chin. This scar was received when he got in a fight with a thief in the market of Ahnatep. The second, larger scar runs down his left cheek, which was received while in training. The healers, of course, said he was lucky that the wound hadn’t gone much deeper, or it would have taken his sight from his left eye.
Still, Scharis keeps himself well groomed and maintains his form with exercise and training. After leaving Ahnatep and the desert, Scharis has taken to dressing for the region he finds himself in, at least when not in his armor. His typical outfit is a set of simple pair of brown leather pant, a red silken shirt, a pair of high black boots, a black leather vest, and a lion’s fur cloak, which he inherited from his grandfather, when the weather is cold. Scharis’s armor, though, is a different question. His armor is a well kept set of scale mail with added back and breastplates and improved greaves and a helmet that he rarely wears. When Scharis is really working to look impressive, he’ll even wear his lion cloak over the back of the armor as well.
Character Concept Scharis is a man of his own, at this point, hving left his original home to find his way elsewhere in Mizahar. Still, he is, generally, an upbeat person. He will take on whatever jobs he can with as much skill and dignity as he can muster while doing them. And when not working, he will party with the best of them, not leaving a tavern until he is forced out, unceremoniously, on his rump. Scharis has always considered himself a fighter, though. He looks to take on work as a merchant guard or a soldier for hire where he can in Ravok. But, after work is done for the day, he will also play for his meals at the local inns and taverns, playing his lute and singing for the guests to pay for some food and a bed for the night.
If it wasn’t for his skills as a fighter, many would assume him to be a rogue or a thief of some kind. But Scharis likes to call himself a minstrel with teeth at this point. Though his skills with the lute and his voice are just starting to grow, he is no slouch with his swords or his shield, giving him the teeth to defend himself if needed.
Character History Scharis was one of the many children of two servants of the city. He was the youngest of 4 boys and 2 girls by five years. By the time Scharis was born his oldest brother had already become a Jackal and his oldest sister, the oldest of all the children, had married a noble from the House of the South Winds. So it was easy to see that he was going to have some big shoes to fill as he grew. But out of all of the children, Scharis was the only one to have only 4 arms. As he grew up, he was sure, in his own mind, that him having four arms was the reason why he was the last child. His parents didn’t want any more kids with four arms. All of the rest had six, and that was, apparently, the way it should be. It hadn’t been since his grandfather before him that there had been a child with four arms in the family.
Still, he was given the best schooling that his family could attain for their children; he grew up with his nose in books more than he was playing with the other kids his age. And even with the kids of his age, there were always more children with six arms than four, so the kids with four learned to look out for each other more than any others, lest they start to get picked on and bullied.
All through his childhood, and as he grew, Scharis was the favorite grandson of his grandfather. They, being the oldest and youngest members of the family with the fewest limbs, bonded more than any of the other grandchildren had. His grandfather had been a high ranking Jackal, just like his oldest brother was turning out to be as he ascended through ranks of the guards. But still, his grandfather loved him the most. And Scharis grew up wanting to be just like the old man, to join the Jackals and achieve the same rank as his grandfather. It was just another point that made his grandfather even more proud of him.
After he was finished with his schooling, Scharis joined the Foxes, starting his training to become a full fledge guard. He weapon of choice was the scimitar, a weapon that he had always had a great affinity for. Scharis decided that he would be a “sword and board” fighter, with a scimitar in each hand on his right, and shields strapped to his arms on the left. He trained this way every that he was in martial training. While he was in training, Scharis was singled out by one of the senior Foxes, the son of Third Hawk. The older, six armed, Eypharian liked to harass all of the four armed recruits, but seemed to take a special interest in Sharis, knowing who his grandfather was. The older Fox would single Scharis out for sparring whenever he could, using the time to beat up on the younger Fox. But through all the times, Scharis noticed the the older Fox never changed his style. He was predictable. He spent his beatings learning the man’s style and his moves. Then, one day, in a sparring match, Scharis finally took advantage of one of the openings that the older Fox would leave, ramming the end of his shield into the man’s face as the other fox came in for a massive pincher attack. The edge of the shield caught the recruit in the throat as he advanced, collapsing his windpipe. The poor recruit died on the sparring match as he suffocated to death.
After that, Scharis was thrown out of the training. The Hawk was not going to let the killer of his son enter the Jackals while he was alive. So… Scharis found himself without any other real choices in the city. So, he decided to take his leave of his family and head out into the world. He knew that he would end up being a burden to his parents, and that he was definitely not their favorite son. The only one who was truly sad to see him leave was his grandfather, who gave him his old Lion skin cloak as a parting gift.
So, Scharis used the connections in the House of the South Winds, through his sister, to get passage onboard one of the merchant vessels that was heading out. He took the money he had earned, bought himself his new armor and weapons before he left. And so, with his few belongings, and wearing his grandfather’s cloak, he set off to find somewhere of his own.
As he traveled on the ship, Scharis found that one of the other crewmen played a strange instrument, which he called a Lute. Scharis was instantly intrigued by the instrument and paid the crewman to teach him what he could to play. At one of their ports of call, Scharis went out and bought himself one of the instruments as well and set about to his own practicing. He and the other crewmember played as often as they could as the ship made its way along the trade routes.
It wasn’t until Scharis saw Ravok that he decided he had found a place to stay, at least for a while. All the word about the city was that it was a beautiful city, free of the rampant death and crime of Sunberth, and not as isolated as Zeltiva. It sounded like as good of a place as any for Scharis to start off again, so, At Nykas, He left the crew of the ship and hitched a ride on a convoy to Ravok, working as a hired sword for the convoy while it traveled to get free transportation. After that, he took his gear and said his farewells to the crew of the convoy before parting ways with them at the Southern Trading Post, looking to find his way into the city.