by Akari on August 16th, 2011, 2:05 am
PC Name: Akari Ishida
Age & Sex: Female, 19
Reason for Being in Lhavit: Journeyed from Syliras to come home. Wants to become a Shinya.
Things I Like to Thread About: A good mix of things. Long threads with lots of character & plot development, every day stuff, a little combat, magic
Things I Dislike To Thread About: I haven't found anything yet. Though nothing too extreme (meaning torture and things)
Additional Comments: Akari was born in Lhavit. Her father was a Shinya but he was killed when she was 3. Her mother took her to Syliras to raise her away from the culture, but Akari found out and she now wants to make her father proud and become a Shinya like he was.
I plan on having Akari in Lhavit for the foreseeable future. I would love for her to become a full Shinya, so after her trial she will be returning and then staying here.
Last edited by
Akari on August 24th, 2011, 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.