Belaya Smert Belaya's protectiveness of his bond-companions. Basic Information Race: Kelvic Birthday & Age : Spring of 509 AV, 2 years old Gender: Male Languages Language 1: Common Language 2: Nari Language 3: Physical Description Wolf form: Grey and white mixed fur, golden eyes, thin red scar from a blade over the left eye. 65 in. in length, 15 in. of that tail. 33 in. tall. 107 lbs. Has a lonely glint in the eyes. Human Form: Spiky grey and white hair, golden eyes, same scar from above. Thin and slightly muscular build, body built more for speed and stamina than quick bursts of strength. A sorrow filled look to his face, which looks ingrained. Character Concept Serves as a swordsman for hire. Lost his last true companion and looks for someone to fill the void. Those he grows close to usually end up killed by enemies from his past. Avoids changing into wolf form as it reminds him of his last moments with his last true companion. Personality: Loyal and dutiful to a fault, a dark feeling follows him, hinting at past loss. Those who he gets to know usually die horrific deaths. Character History Largely unknown. His last master gave him a set of steel pauldrons before dying. He has lost someone who meant everything to him, and thus looks at life in a cynical manner. Loses companions from mysterious attacks. Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore) 16/100 Katana 16/100 Wakizashi 5/100 Medicine 10/100 Stealth 5/100 Intelligence 10/100 Hunting (racial bonus) 2/100 Rhetoric 1/100 Intimidation 3/100 Running 1/100 Subterfuge 1/100 Climbing 1/100 Acrobatics 1/100 Escape Artist Lore: Losing bong mate. Inability to make lasting friendships. The Wolf's Cave Always on guard Miro (Basic) Remembering loss Miros Place Getting a room Being Hunted Kelvic Transformation Alvad Retribution Brush with Death Equipment and Possessions Feed, 100lbs 5 sm Blanket, Winter 5 sm Katana "White" 100 gm Wakizashi "Death" 100 gm Painted 50 gm Axe, Woodsman's 4 gm Rope, Hemp (50 ft.) 1 gm Cart Harness 2 gm Wagon 35 gm Tent, One-Person 2 gm Grappling Hook 1 gm Water Additive 3 gm Traveler's Stock 3 gm X 5 = 15 gm Animal Snare, Small 5 gm X3= 15 gm Chest (empty) 2 gm Collar 1 gm Necklace, Silver 5 gm Cotton pants 1 sm leather shoes 3 sm Steel pauldrons, heirloom from last master. 1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included) 1 Waterskin 1 Backpack which contains: 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap) Food for a week 1 eating knife Flint & Steel Ledger +500 gm cash-in housing +100 gm starting package -Bedroll 1 sm -Feed, 100lbs 5 sm -Blanket, Winter 5 sm -Katana 100 gm -Wakizashi 100 gm -Kavinka Paintedmount 80 gm -Axe, Woodsman's 4 gm -Rope, Hemp (50 ft.) 1 gm -Cart Harness 2 gm -Wagon 35 gm -Tent, One-Person 2 gm -Grappling Hook 1 gm -Water Additive 3 gm -Traveler's Stock 3 gm X 5 = 15 gm -Animal Snare, Small 5 gm X3= 15 gm -Chest (empty) 2 gm -Collar 1 gm -Necklace, Silver 5 gm -black Cotton pants 1 sm -summer rent to Miro 20gm -gold on the eyes of a dead guard 2gm -fee for tournament 10gm -bribe to get in tournament 20gm -gm on dead guard's eyes 2gm -fall rent to Miro 20gm 232 gm 5 lbs of jerked beef (starting package) 1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included) (starting package 1 Waterskin (starting package) 1 Backpack which contains: comb, brush, razor, soap, 1 eating knife, Flint & Steel (starting package) Thread List |