Summer 69, 511 AV. The breakfast that was served for Vanos was food he had never really seen before, but it was all too familiar as he devoured it like a monster... A monster with appropriate table manners. Vanos hadn’t eaten that much on the journey from his home clan to Denval, the most filling meal he had was one that didn’t last long in his stomach on his way to the city on the boat. Therefore Vanos was thankful for the meal that was prepared for him by the owners of The Stranger’s Welcome, who were just as the title of their establishment said they would be. He found a warm, clean bed to sleep in after his trip on the boat and was now well rested and fed and ready to seek out someone named Jerzy – someone that was a boxing partner of the man that Vanos heard many stories from his first evening in Denval. Vanos had never attempted boxing before, much less heard of it, but revelled at the idea of trying something new with Oleg. Though he wasn’t exactly sure what sort of game it was, as humans in general looked a little frail. Vanos entered the building he was guided to without getting lost in the colourful and new city, pushing the door open easily and walking inside. He didn’t see anyone right away as he shifted uncomfortably in his shirt. He could have easily went shirtless back home with his clan, but with other races around him Vanos didn’t want to draw anymore unnecessary attention than required, at least until he got to know the locals. The thin material of the cloth clung to his body’s mass awkwardly and looked more like an afterthought than a shirt that was made specifically for the broad and thick frame of an Isurian. The sound of someone pounding on the forge drew his attention away from the uncomfortable shirt he wore and Vanos walked a little ways to the side and saw an outdoor portion that held the forge and, hopefully the owner of the place that could possibly give Vanos a part time job. While his primary concern was with the construction and planning of the “super highway”, Vanos would need guaranteed income if he was going to remain in Denval without staying in a temporary inn the entire duration of this excursion. “Hello,” Vanos said awkwardly, his Isurian accent making the simple Common word sound not so common. He frowned, the ridge over his eyes exaggerating his look of annoyance to himself as he looked down to the ground by the forge for a moment before looking back to the man that turned over to Vanos. “I’m Vanos Strongarm,” He said with a smile, his voice deep and his emphasis on certain letters odd but still comprehendible. “Oleg said to talk to you about job. I’m here to help vit construction of highway, but also need job. I’m good vit, uh, that,” Vanos said as he let out a grunt while his left, green-hued arm gestured to the forge, his mind having forgotten the Common word for blacksmith and instead muttering it to himself in Isurian. “Sorry, not very good Common.” |