Day 45th of Spring, 509 AV It was a nice warm day out at the docks while the city was bustling with excitement, today was the day every fisherman would catch their best fish and partake in the best time of the season for Ricky. This Spring the community pulled together to pull a local festival for everyone, and fisherman were to bring in as many fish as they could and as big as they come. Ricky intended to have fun and enjoy this event, and Odis of course was simply playing with a crustacean not to far away. Jumping around and barking at the thing he was excited about today, which made Ricky even more happy that today was here. He had several catches in his basket, but none that was particularly the size he wanted. one was the average size while the rest were a bit on the small. However luck had finally hit. His rod landed a fish, it was a big fish too. The power behind it's pull was quite amazing, in fact the line would snap if he didn't act correctly. Reeling the fish while making sure not to let the line snap, he pulled it in, relaxed it when the fish flailed out of the surface, angled left when the fish went right, tugged some more. All a mental as well as physical challenge for him, but he didn't give in to the flailing fish. He returned it's impressive strength with his own. Getting close, bout near the shore! The fish was about there, one more tug and it'd be out of the water. Ricky had to get the timing correct, otherwise the line would snap. It was still trying to swim away by the right, until it flailed to the surface once again. He relaxed the line then tugged as hard as he could before the fish could recover it's resistance. With strong arms Ricky pulled on the line with his own hands, bringing the dangling fish into his grasp. "It's a whopper Odis!" Odis returned Ricky's excitement with a bark, his cheer for the victory. Ricky had caught the fish he wanted, and he had five to take into the town now. He believed that was good enough, and packed up his fishing kit. Taking it and the basket of fish into the market where the community was bustling, and the smell of cooked fish filled the salty sea air. |