PC Chek Halek
Physical Information: Chek is small about 5'8' He has
Race: Human
Birthday & Age: August 16 , Age 17
Gender: Male
Physical Description: 5'8 Brown hair
Character Concept : He is shy but also can have a short temper tends to shoot first and ask questions later
Personality - Shy
Ethics - He feels people need to be respected and also that revenge is a key point in his life.
Likes - Chek enjoys
Dislikes - Bandits
Character History: Not atm
Pre-Creation - Chek was raised by his mother and father. He grew up in a small camp in a forest. He learned to shoot a bow at an early age. At 17 his family decided to move to the city on their travels they were raided by bandits . Chek hid but his parents were killed. He managed to make it to the city by stowing away in the stolen cart.
Post Creation _He has just arrived at the city and has escaped with his life but is now in a strange enviroment.
Training & Skill Points: Bow:20, Stealth :10 Horseback riding:10 Knife throwing:5 Hunting: 5
Starting Package 50
Earned Skill/Points
Equipment/Possessions. Brown tunic Green Cloak with A Hood. Brown boots a bow a large dagger and 2 throwing knives.
Always keep a list of your acquired items and where you got them. This could included houses, pets, clothing, weapons, armor, etc.
Ledger (Required)
Everyone starts out with 100 gold mizas. Please keep a written record of the money your PC both earns and spends in their day to day existence.
Thread List (Optional)
Keep a running record plus links of all your threads and in what season they were in.