Name: Linalyn
Race: Kelvic:Raccoon
Age: 1 and a half
Looks: 18-21
Build: lean with curves
Height: 5'6
Weight: 98lbs
Hair: redish brown
Eyes: brown
A slim long legged girl, with mid-back length hair. Linalyn is almost always dressed extravegently. Her face has a flirty playfulness to it.
Linalyn is very outgoing and tempermental, as well as caring and motherly. Her dream in life is to be one of the greatest performers/actors to ever be seen on the stage of The Crooked Playhouse. She is also know for stealing bars of soap, which she keeps in a box.
However when it comes to a certain drunken bard with an evil hat, love is war. Strell is always on the receiving end of violence, pranks, and other tomfoolery. Linalyn is at war with his hat for no reason anyone can find. Although she would never admit it to anyone, even to Strell himself... Strell is her bondmate and she loves him very much. But you didn't hear that.
History: Linalyn can't remember anything before finding a drunk man out back of a tavern, whos garbage she was raiding. Only later to be taken home by said drunk thinking her to be nothing more than an abandoned baby raccoon. Linalyn was named 'Smokie' by the man who took her home, only after showing she was Kelvic did she get the name Linalyn. She would later prove otherwise as being Kelvic. She has an odd feeling her mother may be an owl...
■1 Frilly dress
■1 Waterskin
■ brush, soap
■Food for a week
■1 eating knife
■Flint & Steel
Great: common
Passable: Fratava
hunting 10/100
dancing 15/100
acting 20/100
singing 5/100
stealth 5/100
seduction 5/100