by Galio Keln on October 10th, 2011, 3:47 am
Galio followed Lucy down as she dived, though he quickly resurfaced as he couldn’t stay under as long as her. Not only that but the water was dark and scary, as soon as he surfaced he repressed the instinct to swim for land and get out. He was brave, he could stay in as long as Lucy was here too. Then his bravery vanished as Lucy resurfaced and announced that she was getting out.
“Wait for meeeeee!”
He shot off after her, not wanting to be in the dark water alone. Once they were back on land he shook his body furiously, dislodging the water dripping from his hair and clothes. He was still wet and now that he was out of the water he was feeling cold. He stayed within reaching distance of Lucy, as the cold had reminded him of the water and now he was imaging the ground opening up and dropping him into a pool of water.
“Lucy, can you drown on land?”
He voiced the question with full seriousness, even going as far as to tug on her arm to make sure she had hear him. The imaginary pool of water was appearing underneath him again and a small whimper escaped his lips as it disappeared. |
White = Common
Green = Denvali