Timestamp: 5th day of Fall, 510AV Location: The Passenger Quay It was late morning of an rainy day. Lucy was at The Passenger Quay with her brother and sister, Galio and Luna. They went out to play, but everybody hid from rain. They wanted to do so too, but Lucy said she want to stay for a while. A moment ago she had fight with Luna about that, she was afraid that they will catch a cold or something like that. But Lucy just wanted to stay. It seemed like Luna feels the same, but just thinks rationaly. They probably will catch a cold now anyways, they were completly wet. Lucy sat and watched the rainy sea and cloudy sky. There was something in that rough time she recognized in herself. Ever since she woke up that day she felt strange. She wanted to do something, to go somewhere, she felt like she has to change something. Rain felt restless like her today. Still she was just sitting there and watching it. She looked at her brother and sister. Luna seemed thoughtfully like her, and Galio was a little confused, but playing with rain, trying to catch the drops. It would normally make her smile, but not now. She wanted to talk, so she began some conversation... about wether. "It's nice, isn't it? Looking the rain." She got afraid when she said that, what if her sister still wants to go back home? OOC :
About the strange feeling, you probably noticed, but just in case. We are Klevics. Animal instinct. Something bad will happen tomorrow.
And the thread name, thought you noticed it too, I wrote it's mornig, I wanted to say that day was the evening of our lifes, after that came night. Metaphorically. If you let me finish thread I'll write it -plsss-.xD |