Learning Your ABC's(Solo)

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Learning Your ABC's(Solo)

Postby Canali on August 30th, 2011, 8:19 pm

Day 2
Year 511 AV

"Ca-Nal-I!!" Nasib yelled, bouncing on Canali's stomach as she awoke unpleasantly. Nasib was balanced on either side of the bedroll, chubby little hands pressed to Canali's upper chest, near her collar bone as he jumped up and down. Thank goodness, he didn't weigh more than what must have been thirty pounds. Oomphing, grey eyes opened to see what was causing the shortness of breath and twist of pain in her stomach. Seeing she was awake, Nasib grinned a toothy smile and stopped bouncing. Choosing instead to slap the palms of his hands against her upper chest. Wincing and trying to hold onto her patience, Canali grasped both of his wrists with her fingers. "Play!" Glancing around, the time must not have been later than seven bells. Oi. Why did he have to be a morning riser instead of one of those children who woke up late? Her tent was a complete mess. Obviously Nasib had already tried to find something to amuse him. Even Katahr was giving him wary looks. Perhaps he had tried to "play" with the cat, also.

Trying to find her voice and failing, Canali cleared her throat before speaking slowly, carefully, softly. "Off," slipped from her lips before she physically removed Nasib from her stomach and sat up in her bedroll. Messily, Canali's hair flounced around her face, making the toddler giggle and clap his hands together. Bright green eyes glowed at her, braided with deep yellow slashes. Joy. He found her pain and discomfort hilarious. Sadistic little child.

Trying to push away her regular morning behavior, Canali glanced around in haste. What was there she could use to distract him with? Aha! The set of juggling balls she had bought awhile ago. Pointing to them, Canali murmured, "Balls." Distracted, Nasib left Canali alone for the next ten minutes as she tried to fall back asleep. Just five more chimes, that's all. Then she would get up. Really. Unfortunately, Nasib had different plans as he catapulted one of the balls towards her, giggling when it bopped her on the side of her bedhead. "Urg!" growled deep within Canali's throat as she popped one eye open to watch Nasib pick up another ball to repeat the process. "No. Bad!"

Immediately Nasib's eyes began to water and changed to deep, ocean blue. Water gathered around his long lashes on the bottom and, shakily, his bottom lip began to tremble. Automatically feeling bad, Canali tried to rationalize what to do. Hug him and curl him back into her arms or leave him be for the next few moments to teach him she wouldn't always make him happy when he cried? Deciding to leave him be as the other option would only teach him to come crying to her, Canali rolled out of her makeshift bed, groaning when her back popped. Searching through the mess Nasib had created of her clothes, she decided on a pale blue shirt with her black cotton pants. Running her hands through her long hair, Canali tied it back with a string. Katahr flounced past her out of the tent, already knowing she would be eating next and hoping for a scrap.

There was stew left over from the night before, strung up to hang from a tree and kept in with a lid. Bringing it down, Canali reheated from a fire someone else in camp had resurrected. Idly, interested in what she was doing, Nasib toddled out of her tent, murmuring one word which had Canali wincing. "Food!"
Last edited by Canali on October 30th, 2011, 11:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Learning Your ABC's(Solo)

Postby Canali on October 30th, 2011, 11:38 pm

Did the boy ever rest? Canali didn't believe so as she watched him slurp down the soup which had been warmed up over a crackling fire. After spooning out any large chunks of food and slicing them into smaller pieces, Canali had let him eat- under her supervision of course. No reason to have the boy choke and die because she was quite certain the excuse of her being tired wouldn't go over very well. No siree. Nasib seemed to enjoy the mixture of vegetables and spices because he finished before Canali did. Katahr was served up a small bowl, also, and was settled off to the side, daintily lapping at his meal and gnawing hungrily upon the meat. Whatever vegetables were in it were munched down unhappily. All but the carrots. Guess he didn't like those. How could a cat who had been near starving and living off random, salvaged meals, be picky in what they had in front of them? Had she really spoiled him so much?

After making herself some tea, Canali watched Nasib draw patterns in the dirt. Since the area was closer to the fire and more packed down from travel, there was barely any grass to hold the ground in place. Thus, it became easier to see tracks and, now pictures, in. Smiling, Canali reached over and, with her fore finger, scrawled out the capital, "A". Nasib had tilted his head to one side, eyes changing to the electric purple known for being interested. Twisting the word around in her mouth, Canali said clearly, "A" in the sense of "aye". The boy's orbs had trained on Canali's lips as she spoke it, before switching back to the letter she was pointing at. Tongue against the back of his teeth, he slowly repeated after her. Bursting into a toothy grin when Canali smiled in approval, Nasib yelled it this time; voice excited. Katahr gave the boy a disapproving look before wandering over to rub against him. Pointing to the kitten, Canali uttered, "Cat." Nasib pointed also, gave her a questioning look and pronounced it also after her nod. Deciding it was best to keep on with the letters, as he had to learn sometime, Canali scrawled out a lowercase A. Verbalizing it, she nearly laughed when Nasib shook his head and pointed to the earlier written letter, "A". Touching one with her fingernail, Canali stated, "A", before doing the same with the other.

Cautiously, the boy copied her movements. His lyrical voice held the vowel for a tad bit too long, pronouncing it with a hangover. Canali couldn't help but reminded of his mother, Menill. She had spoken like that, also. Thinking back, but Canali was forced to change Nasib's name to keep him safe. Even though he might never remember his mother, Menill had given her a whale bone carving for the boy. Menill had been an escapee from the slave route. For a moment, Canali wondered what had become of the desperate woman. All possibilities were too gruesome to think about for too long. This lead to what Canali was going to do with the boy when he was older. After a day in the market a while ago, Canali had heard of a place called, "Mura". Apparently they were a peaceful, pacifistic race who also had much invested in arts and smarts. Though she didn't like to admit it, Canali knew she wasn't a perfect candidate for a makeshift mother. Much mental debating had gone on, before Canali decided to revisit the market. She had yet to actually get there with her time frame.

"A… a," slipped from Nasib's lips uncertainly. Nodding, Canali pointed to both and repeated the letter before laying her hand on the boy's shoulder in approval. He grinned toothily up at her. Pushing the voice inside of her screaming about how she wouldn't be able to let him go when the time came, Canali reached out to draw a capital B next to the pair of A's. Confusion crossed his face. "Can-nal-ee?" came softly from his boyish lips as he looked up at her under girlishly thick eyelashes.

"B." Pointing the letter, Canali took his hand to do the same and repeated the letter, "B." Catching on, Nasib repeated the process. Within the next bell, they were up to the letter "I". Deciding to test his memory, Canali pointed to the A again.

Looking from her to the letter, Nasib frowned in confusion before popping out joyously, "E!" Canali nearly facepalmed, but held her patience and started over again.

The boy would learn his letters before the day was out.
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Learning Your ABC's(Solo)

Postby Archelon on November 27th, 2011, 10:35 pm

Thread Award



And the Results!!!!:

Can.nah.nah.Can Can!... Canali :
SkillName 1-5 How/why?
Cooking2 Didn't see much of the actual making of soup but tea helped XD

Fond Memories:Teaching Nasib(basic)
Tea making: A morning ritual
Tea making(basic flavors of tea)

Would you like some extra turtle sauce ? :
Interesting thread!Keep them up.
Thank you all for the privildege of moderating, unfortunately with deaths in the family and ailing health I am retiring. All thread grades I had on my pc have been forwarded to founders and paragon, so expect them posted soon.
It's been a mixed bag at times , but with all the good and the bad and mixed signals, I can honestly say: Thank you. Please support the next mods of sunberth as well as you have done me.
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