With a nod of thanks and a smile, Seidaku turned his attention back to his class. His attention had not been diverted for more than a few minutes, but already some of his more... adventuresome students had already begun to woolgather. They were quick enough to return to their studies as soon as he turned back, so he was content not to make an issue of it. He did make a mental note to pay special attention to their progress. It was possible that they were losing interest because the subject matter was difficult for them.
He stopped to watch a young boy rapidly scribbling away in a tangled mess of letters. Kneeling down, he recommended, "For now, focus on accuracy. As you advance, speed will come on its own. Also, ah," he said, taking his own slender piece of chalk and beginning to write upon the ground, "Spreading out your letters and words will make them easier to read. Like this."
When it was apparent that the lesson had taken root, at least for the moment, Seidaku stood and made his way back up the row of students. Turning to head back down the next row, he spotted a most pleasant surprise.
From the corner of his eye as he helped his students learn, he realized that he had one more student in his class than he had realized. The newest student though, was not learning to write. He was learning to teach. Watching intently and mirroring gestures and possibly turns of phrase if the apparent muttering were any indication. It was quite gratifying, really.
Before he knew it, he heard the chime of the bell signifying the end of his assigned teaching period. More than one of his students was already standing and moving toward him before the first bell finished tolling. Standing in the center of a jumble of students, Seidaku collected pieces of chalk and bade his pupils good evening as they turned and hurried home through the shifting streets of Alvadas.
Once the last of his students had departed, he dusted his hands once more and crossed the square to where Keido kneeled. "Hopefully that was, umm, not too dreadful?," he asked with a grin.