by Antar on November 24th, 2011, 9:49 am
Slowly, fingerlength, by fingerlength he struggled to press the strands closer to each other. The fabric of the Shield's weaving resisted his efforts, seeming to slow like molasses as the threads of spun djed bucked like a bronco in an effort to reform to their larger size and liquify themselves over the stone. It was as if the strands of energy laying flat were repelling each other with magnetic force that could only be neutralize by melting into a puddle of energized goo.
Thinking of it like a loom, he realized that the strands of djed were not weaved in and out of each other's passing like the strands of cotton cloth he wore in his shirt. Taking the lowest horizontal strand of djed stretching from his thumbs he began to weave it over and under the vertical strands, seeking to master the intricacies of the task of simply molding the djed of his which was used for shields. When it was finished he noticed a slight change in the aura around the two strands, it seemed to be less opposing the strands it intersected, though the resistance was still there.
Not Content with this small success, the rogue pushed himself harder to work the second horizontal strand, trying to duplicate the exact meshing thread he had created with the first. But that backfired though, as the djed filament seemed to tear away like the broken string of a guitar. Cursing slightly his will manage to refocus on that strand enough to prevent the entire structure he had fashioned from being ripped apart as easily as a spiders web. This day's exercise was solely focused on the building of shields, and today he'd build one the way he wanted to or find out why his things wouldn't work.
He guessed it was just the tinkerer, or craftsman in himself that demanded such things. Experience had taught him to accept his faults and move past them. This was just one of those things to keep himself trying harder, even if the pounding of his blood in his ears felt like he was trying to slam his head through a brick wall. He had build brick walls in the past, and knew just how damaging that could be.
Staring at this puzzle , he tried to weave the filament again. This time alternating the direction of how it weaved around the strands around it. Where the first had come up, this one looped downwards, and where the first folded downwards to disappear under the next vertical strand, this one came across the top. It was an alternating stitch, much like basketweaving.
He sighed as he felt the pressure between the strands begin to release itself. As if the forces of the magic in the djed seemed to be complimenting one another, like he had stumbled on a certain key element to crafting a proper shield formation. He bent his will to the third strand, weaving it as he had the first, and continued up towards the fifth to gain a crosshatching of five strands gridlocked over five other strands. Each direction of the djed stitchery formed from the strands coming from the fingertips of his hands.
In the end it was still hard to squeeze the space from the strands distance from one another, but eventually he managed to get the boxes in between each crosshatching down to about half an inch, with the flow of energy 'bubbling' like a meniscus of water in a glass to let the power of the djed cover the empty spaces. It looked to him like a set of scales tied up to fishnet stockings that seemed popular with Svefra women, and boy did those svefra women have a great set of legs.
Cursing his inattention again, he thought it was time to begin seeing if he could anchor the shield properly, so he moved the stretched weaving closer to the stone. He noticed a slight shaking in his hands, a far cry from the age old precision he used on picking locks at his stepfather's worktable. He'd have to remedy that soon with a bit of nutrition and rest. He just wanted to finish this for now. With his Sight steady, the rogue could see the beginnings of the pattern he was forming take hold upon the rock.
"I am the Shadow and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost that hides in the night."~Back, but slow.