Malog Coden

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Malog Coden

Postby Malog Coden on September 5th, 2011, 5:05 pm

Malog Coden

Basic information :
Race: Kelvic - Black jaguar
Birthday & Age : Exact Birthday is unknown; age presumed is around 6, so he looks to be in his early 20's in human form
Gender: Male

Languages :
common : Fluent
Nari : Basic
Vani : Poor

Physical description :
In the animal form, Malog takes the shape of a sleek, black Jaguar. Piercing yellow eyes, fearsome white teeth and a leathery pink tongue, strike color on a canvas of silk black.

When shifted, Malog takes the human form of an early 20's male. short, crew cut, black hair. powerful legs and an obvious degree of muscular toning is struck right through his body, bringing his wide yet elegant shoulders to an onlookers attention.

standing 5'8" Malog is not the tallest of beings, but the air of sheer power emanates from him, which demands respect and formality.

Character concept :
Personality - Malog trusts no one, every body he comes into contact with is seen to him as a potential enemy. His respect must be earned, but once it is, his loyalty will never die. trustworthy and serious, Malog is a being who can be relied on to fulfill any task that is thrust upon him. Having no family and no previous memories has had effects such as headaches and extreme edginess. Malog is lonely and in need of a companion, but is not willing to let any one close to him.

Ethics - The world has been cruel to Malog, so he is often harsh and aggressive, but never so without reason. Loyalty to those who treat him with respect is of the most importance, followed closely by his animalistic will to live.

Likes - Malog prefers to be in his animal form, it feels to him more natural and he is no longer restricted by human society and their codes of etiquette. He enjoys martial arts and the brutality and the self-discipline that is needed.

Dislikes - Any thing that has little or no practical use. Liars, cheats and disrespectful people are hated by Malog and have trouble getting near him because of the clear attempt at hostility and intimidation.

Character history :
The first memory in Malog's mind is that of saltwater seeping up his feline nostrils, shocking him into consciousness. Minute snippets of a hazy dream world are also ingrained in his mind. In these short flash-backs, he sees an elderly man dragging him away from a rising tide.. Then he recalls the warmth of a shape shift and sees his own hands clawing at his human form in shock.. The man who saved him from the sea is seen now, pouring a warm liquid down his throat, and Malog remembers him whispering into his ear, though what those words were evades his thought..

The last of these scattered flash-backs is of human feet supporting his body, which in turn holds a small bag given to him by the old man. These feet turn, and he sets his way into the world in an attempt to find out who he is, and if that fails, he will make a new name for him self.

This is as far back as his memory goes, he knows nothing about his old life, old family, or old friends all he retained was his basic, animalistic knowledge of survival.

He wants to know who he is.


Training :

Racial BonusHunting - 10

starting packageAcrobatics - 5
Blind fighting - 10
Climbing - 5
Intimidation - 5
Running - 5
Stealth - 10
Unarmed combat - 10

Boar hunt (solo)unarmed combat - 3
hunting - 2
running - 2
butchery - 1
detection - 1
observation - 1

Leaving me with:

Acrobatics - 5
Blind fighting - 10
Butchery - 1
Climbing - 5
Detection - 1
Hunting - 12
intimidation - 5
Observation - 1
running - 7
stealth - 10
unarmed combat - 13


Lore of humanoid pressure points
Lore of concealing weapons

Lore of Hunting : Boar Behavior (basic) - Boar hunt (Solo)

Equipment and possessions :
Sackcloth breeches
Sackcloth shirt
Cotton cloak

Weeks worth of food
Flint and steel
Eating knife (Worn tucked into the back of breeches, hidden by cloak, for easy access if needed for defense)

Ledger :
- 22 Gm : My own little place in the woods

Leaves me with:
Gold rimmed mizas - 578
Silver rimmed mizas - 0
Copper rimmed mizas - 0

Thread list :
Boar hunt [Solo]
Location: Close to Agremmon Fields (south)
Timestamp: Day 37 of Summer, AV 511

My own little place in the woods (Darik)
Location: Sunberth + surrounding woods
Timestamp: Day 3 of Fall, AV 511

A Lively Chase (Malog)
Location: Pig's Foot Tavern
Timestamp: Day 4 of Fall, AV 511

Last edited by Malog Coden on October 23rd, 2011, 12:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Every man is architect of his own fortune.

Basic character stuff :

Acrobatics - 5
Blind fighting - 10
Butchery - 1
Climbing - 5
Detection - 1
Hunting - 12
intimidation - 5
Observation - 1
running - 7
stealth - 10
unarmed combat - 13

Lore of Humanoid Pressure points
Lore of concealing weapons
Hunting : Boar Behavior (basic)

Eating knife-used as weapon

Sackcloth breeches
Sackcloth shirt
Cotton cloak

578 gold Mizas
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Malog Coden
Posts: 34
Words: 11396
Joined roleplay: September 5th, 2011, 2:19 am
Race: Kelvic
Character sheet

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