Nowa picked the meat out with his beak, and moved it to his other claw. He had to give his talons a rest from stretching like that. Oh, the bad man. Just those thoughts ruffled him all up. He almost forgot he was trying to hold meat, and moved it to under his talon. now standing on it, he continued. "He is a 'ad nan! He nade ne do... s'eech, read, an' see 'ings he never saw. Nazez, riddles, an' nore!" He looked down, he solved the riddle of holding the meat. Maybe it wasn't hard enough to be a riddle. OOCYet, despite that list, not a single one of them was a 'bird trick.' Maybe s'eech... You are the first person to ask about the 'bad man.' Your reaction may determine how he answers the question from here on. |