[OOC] A Break In The Mist

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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[OOC] A Break In The Mist

Postby Caoin on October 8th, 2011, 4:27 am

XD It's not a problem at all, and I'm glad to help. This list will likely help anyone that plays a Drykas.
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[OOC] A Break In The Mist

Postby Zeal Aldercraft on November 1st, 2011, 11:50 am

Nano has officially arrived and I find myself without a plan...as usual. Auldwin is helping me out but I think, if I'm going to make 50k without making him go blind, I should be looking for additional partners. If anyone else wants to do anything special or has a word count in mind, let me know.

There are already some cool prompts if that helps.

I got up early to write and for the last hour all I've done is read about everyone else's Nano plans. *cough cough*

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[OOC] A Break In The Mist

Postby Auldwin on November 22nd, 2011, 6:57 am

Just a note for people, I need way more action to keep my numbers up for Nano. Of course I always enjoy threading with new and exciting people, so it's a win/win situation. So if you want to have any interaction with a Ghost, let me know, I've got to hit the keyboard hard for these last few days!
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[OOC] A Break In The Mist

Postby Lariat on December 1st, 2011, 5:42 pm

This is going to be a busy Winter for us drykas, and I will be getting a lot of stuff up today. First and most importantly, if you have received a job from the Raised Sun, and you have role played it out durning the season in some of your threads, I'd like you to post two of them in the Seasonal XP/Salary Request Thread so I can just do a double check as well as tell you how much you made for the Season as well as tell you if you got any Seasonal XP from said threads.

Also, look for these throughout the day for this is what I'm going to be working up getting up today for the Winter.

-Calendar and Thread Goals for Winter
-A couple new locations for the Season
-A very important thread discussing the future meeting place of Endrykas.

I hope you have had a wonderful season here in Endrykas, and for those of you in the Seasonal Thread, I will be moving that along today as well, along with getting grades for those threads in my office and that of my assistants. I hope you all have a wonderful day today.

Also, note for any outsiders or anyone knew to Endrykas. It is not a city, it is a meeting place for the many families that travel the breadth of the Cyphrus, carving out their living as only they can. The meeting location rotates around the year between four sections of the Cyphrus, but is never in the exact same place making it incredibly secure, and extremely hard to find from outsiders. What I'm getting at is it cannot be stumbled upon as you would have been accosted by the Watch long before you even got close to the meeting place. You can find Endrykas to be sure, but either you'd have to run across a family roaming the grass and ask them to bring you to it. Foreign trade does happen but it's after negotiations have taken place and express permission from the Watch, and the Head Pavilions of the Seven Clans to allow the foreigners to know of where the gathering is being held.

For Residents of Endrykas, and the Sea of Grass, this winter will be a harsh one. Hope you've prepared your stocks and have a good time this season above all.
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[OOC] A Break In The Mist

Postby Caoin on December 1st, 2011, 5:49 pm

Lari, I have a question about the Seasonal XP requests. Should I wait until after you've graded my second one to post them? And also, I started one with Skram that is his first and my third, but we're only one post in each, what should we do about that?

Also, can't wait to see all the fun new stuff you have planned!
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[OOC] A Break In The Mist

Postby Auldwin on December 1st, 2011, 5:51 pm

Harsh winter eh? Good thing I died in my overcoat! Thanks for your dedication Lariat, sounds like fun.
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[OOC] A Break In The Mist

Postby Ronan on December 1st, 2011, 5:56 pm

Slightly sad I've left Endrykas for Winter, but I'll be back Spring. Plus I'm taking part in the Seasonal Hunt Quest, so I look forward to continuing that. All your hard work is appreciated Lariat - you're making us Drykas proud!
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[OOC] A Break In The Mist

Postby Eldon Sunkiss on December 5th, 2011, 7:57 pm

Eldon is coming back! Just in time too it sounds.
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[OOC] A Break In The Mist

Postby Caoin on December 13th, 2011, 3:49 am

Winter 511 Travel Itinerary

Caoin and a few others will be traveling to Riverfall ahead of the Endrykas run this season. Stranger shall be modding our travels through the Sea of Grass, all travel threads will be modded if I things work out the way I would like. If anyone is interested in joining the party on their travels, please let me know and I'll add you to the party list. Thus far, this is what I have worked out for the trip:

Leaving Date: Winter 40th, 511 AV
Approximate Arrival: Winter 70th, 511 AV
Starting Location: Endrykas
Destination: Riverfall
Moderator: Stranger
  • Caoin
  • Auldwin

If you would like to join and want to keep track of the travel plans, they can be found in my PC Plotnotes thread: HERE.
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[OOC] A Break In The Mist

Postby Deir on December 15th, 2011, 9:42 pm

I just wanted to say that I could indeed use a thread or two. Seeing as the weekend is coming I'm certain that I'll be able to jump into a couple of them immediately. Any takers?
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