Pua of the Spirit Falcons

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Pua of the Spirit Falcons

Postby Pua on February 13th, 2010, 4:21 am

Pua of the Spirit Falcons

Race: Myrian
Age: 24 (Born 22 Day of winter, 486)
Gender: Male
Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 173
Hair Color: Black (not that you’d know), Shaved Bald
Eye Color: Viridian
Skintone: Deep brown
Languages: Common, Myrian, Myrian Animal Sounds

Pua is short for a Myrian, standing only about five foot ten. His build runs more towards athletic than muscular, though the muscles he does have are highly toned. In defiance of Myrian custom, Pua has been completely shaving his head since he was fifteen. As is common among those of the Spirit Falcon blood line, Pua’s skin is extremely dark, only a few shades lighter than dark chocolate. The lighter shade of his viridian eyes often stands out quite dramatically against his darker skin, as they seem to almost shine with inner light. Most would find his soft facial features unsettling on a savage Myrian. Especially the easy, crooked smile that is almost always graces his face. Surprisingly, his body is mostly unmarred by scars, with the exception of his left forearm is almost a solid mass of scar tissue

Across Pua’s back rests a bone white tattoo of the Spirit Falcon Clan, a top down view of a falcon in flight. The Falcon’s head rests on the back of Pua’s right shoulder, with the upper body trailing vertically down his back. The bird’s right wing encases Pua’s right arm, the wing tip stopping just short of his midforearm. Instead of a left wing and lower body, there is a white mist, as if the falcon was flying out of the spirit world, and is not yet fully formed. The only color in the entire tattoo is the falcon’s eyes, which are the same shade as Pua’s own.

Pua usually wears a sleeveless tunic that fits tightly over is well honed chest. Clasped around each wrist is a metal bracer. Pua’s pants tend to be loose, baggy affairs that tuck into the tops of his boots. The boots themselves are made of leather and are a formfitting, soft soled variety that lace up all the way to the knee. Two leather belts crisscross each other around his waist atop his tunic. On the outside of each belt is a large, specialized leather pouch, the bottom of which is secured with a string tied around Pua’s thigh. Pua favors gray clothing though his belts are white. Dangling from Pua’s left ear is a thumbnail sized sphere of malachite attached to a silver earring. The Malachite is the same color as Pua’s eyes and laced with darker green veins.

Character Concept

Goals and Dreams:
Pua hopes one day to distinguish himself enough in Myrian society to overcome the stigma of his gender and to increase the honor and standing of the Spirit Falcon Clan to the place it once occupied.

Pua is almost always in good humor, a fact that expresses itself in his ever present lopsided grin. He treats everything as a joke and almost never acts serious. Actually, the more s dire a situation becomes the less seriously he seems to take it. This isn’t true; in fact, it’s mostly just an act on his part. It is partially to confuse those around him, and partially as a coping mechanism. Pua himself couldn’t tell you where one ends and the other begins. Pua doesn’t mind people poking fun at him, and often joins in with the laughter. There are two exceptions to this. Anyone who insults the Spirit Falcon clan will receive a punch or two and will lose Pua’s favor. Anyone who implies that Pua’s hair, or lack thereof, denotes that he is of lower status dies on the spot.

Ever since his incident in the jungle as a kid Pua has never truly felt safe. He sleeps extremely lightly and will awaken at the slightest movement. He is also unable or unwilling to sleep when anyone he doesn’t completely trust is near. The extremely perceptive may also notice tiny shifts in Pua’s eyes as he constantly surveys his surroundings, though these shifts are well controlled and very difficult to notice if one isn’t actively looking for them. Pua takes a unique and very direct approach in solving any problems that he must face. He simply puts enough crossbow bolts into whom or whatever is causing the problem to convince them that they really don’t want to cause the problem any longer. Though Pua is slow to anger, when he is provoked his fury burns cold. Instead of raging at the cause of his anger, he coolly dismantles them piece by piece.

Pua lives by a strict, if unusual, code of honor. To him, taking something that belongs to another is akin to admitting that one is unable to attain the item on their own and therefore deeply dishonoring. Killing in cold blood for no reason is wasteful and thus dishonoring (this doesn’t apply to any non-Myrian within Falyndar’s boundaries of course). Pua is a strict believer in the policy of an eye for an eye.

Pua likes archery, fish, laughing, and the color viridian

Pua dislikes lettuce, people who mock his choice of hairstyle, and anyone not Myrian on general principle.


Racial Benefits:
Heightened Stamina and Dexterity
Immunities to Falyndar Toxins
Myrian Blood Survival

Acrobatics 0/100
Camouflage 5/100 (5 Starting)
Climbing 0/100
Leadership 2/100
Perception 6/100 (5 Starting)
Poison 5/100 (5 Starting)
Rhetoric: 1/100
Running 0/100
Tactics 1/100
Tracking 11/100 (10 racial bonus)
Unarmed Fighting 5/100 (5 Starting)
Weapon Style: Crossbows 25/100 (25 Starting)
Weapon Style: Bracer Crossbows 2/100
Wilderness Survival 8/100 (5 Starting)

Knowledge of aerodynamics as they apply to projectile trajectories
Knowledge of vital spots of major Mizaharian races
Layout of Syliras - Basic (A travler's knowledge of where the basic structures of
Syliras are located)


Silver and Malachite earring (Heirloom)
Gray Cotton Tunic (Starter)
Gray Cotton Pants (Starter)
Gray Cloak (starter)
White leather belt x2
Gray leather soft soled knee high boots (Starter)
White leather belt pouches x2

Light Repaeting Crossbow (20 bolts, Five bolt clip)
Hand Crossbow x2 (20 bolts, 20 Aromr piercing)
Crossbow Bracer x2 (40 bolts)

1 Waterskin (Starter)
1 Backpack which contains: Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap), eating knife (Starter)
Traveler's Stock (10 days)

I weeks worth.

14 gm, 93 sm
Last edited by Pua on July 25th, 2010, 3:26 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: Pua of the Spirit Falcons

Postby Pua on February 13th, 2010, 4:22 am

Characer History

In the year 484 AV the Spirit Falcon Clan was withering. The decline, which had started even before the Valterrian, was due to a simple genetic inconstancy that reduced the fertility of the women sharing the Spirit Falcon bloodline. Low percentages of child births and a predominance of male pregnancies has slowly but surely stunted the clan. By 486 AV Dekki and her younger sister Aleana were the only two women still young enough to bear child. Dekki was employed as a mid ranked scout operating out of the Scout’s Roost. As well as her normal scouting duties, Dekki also earned a little extra money selling any rare herbs and plants she came across while on scouting expeditions. It was through this supplemental income that Dekki first met Wiata of the Raging Boar, a poison crafter of considerable skill. A year and a half later, to the joy of the clan, Dekki found herself with child. Born in the early winter of 486, Pua was at once a blessing and a slight disappointment to the clan, who had been hoping for a girl. Despite the mutterings of the elder Spirit Falcons, both of Pua’s parents loved him without reservation.

On his seventh birthday Dekki deemed Pua ready to begin his warrior’s training and along with Wiata, began teaching him what she knew. Pua took to his mother’s jungle skills like fish to water, easily grasping the techniques of moving through and surviving the jungle. He was likewise able to grasp the poison crafting concepts taught by his father fairly easily. In the area of weapons training however, Pua soon became a frustrating pupil for Dekki. He was able to grasp the concepts and styles of basic unarmed combat well enough, but much to his mother’s dismay, he was terrible once any form of weapon was placed in his hand. Dekki, who was highly skilled with her bastard sword and had been hoping to pas it along to her son grew increasingly irritated at Pua’s seemingly inability to successfully wield any form of melee weapon. Pua’s disposition lacked the burning rage and fiery passion to lay mercilessly into his foes.

After yet another failed training session, in which Pua’s performance had been particularly dismal, Dekki shaved her son’s head completely bald, hoping that it would shame him into working harder to master the skills. Partially because he liked the way he looked bald and partially in defiance of his mother, Pua began shaving his head regularly a practice he keeps up even to this day. Ironically the razor was the one and only blade Pua ever learned to use skillfully.

Shortly after his ninth birthday Dekki came to terms with the fact that Pua was never going to be anything other than terrible with swords and other similar weapons. Resigned to this fate but unwilling to be the mother of a noncombatant, she took Pua to a friend of hers who was considered a master archer and arrange for her to train Pua in the use of the Bow. As it would turn out, the same cold and calculating personality that had crippled Pua’s swordsmanship made him quite successful at picking off targets at range, and in just a couple of seasons Pua rose to become his teachers star student. That same year Aleana, Pua’s aunt, gave birth to a healthy young girl, who she named Nipa.

Despite her inability to teach Pua her weapon skills, Dekki remained adamant about teaching Pua everything she knew about the jungle, and Pua made numerous forays into the trees, both with his mother and alone. Midway through his tenth summer, Pua was on one of these solo trips. He was daydreaming and wasn’t focused on his surroundings and so was completely taken by surprise when a jaguar burst from the trees. With no defenses handy he threw up his left arm to protect his face. That jungle cat sank its powerful jaws into Pua’s forearm and though Pua thrashed and struggled the jaguar refused to loosen its grip. Despite being almost delirious with the pain, Pua managed to wrestle an arrow from his quiver and plunge it into the cat’s eye, killing it, but not before the jaguar’s jaws had thoroughly shredded Pua’s entire forearm. He managed to stumble his way back to the outskirts of Taloba before he passed out from the shock, pain, and massive blood loss. Luckily a guard patrol had spotted him and rushed him to a healer. Even with the medicinal and magical healings he underwent, the healers considered it a miracle that he maintained motor functions within his left hand told him it would take months, if not years, before he would regain full use of the hand. A small party went out and retrieved the body of the jaguar and its hide was given to Pua, who had it made into a rug for his mother’s house.

With his left hand unusable for the foreseeable future, Pua was forced to stop his archery training. However, having just finally discovered a weapon he was good at, Pua wanted to continue training and felt the time he would have to spend sitting on his laurels healing to be wasted. Since the bow required two hands to operate he opted for the next best thing. Pua scraped together every coin he could save, earn, borrow and cajole and purchased a hand crossbow from a merchant that had traveled beyond Falyndar’s boarders. He was able to apply what he knew of archery to the one handed weapon and so quickly reached his previous skill level. At first he trained at the archery range where his teacher and fellow students practiced, but after enduring a ceaseless stream of jibes and insults about his non-Myrian weapon, Pua began training alone in the jungle. By the time his left arm had finally healed, Pua was so comfortable with his crossbow that he opted to maintain it as his weapon of choice instead of going back to the bow.

Pua began his three years of military service on his nineteenth birthday. He served this our honorable but without any major accomplishments. The fall of his twenty first year, Dekki went missing while on a scouting expedition. Her body was never found and her death is blamed on the Dhani, something that Pua expresses violently towards them whenever he encounters one. In truth, Dekki became a meal for a Symenestra that had gotten lost and wandered into Faylndar. Upon his exit from armed service, Pua was recruited by Heda of the Creeping Vines to join her scouts, recognizing his potential as well as knowing that Dekki would have trained him well.


Dekki of the Spirit Falcons - Mother(Deceased):Pua’s mother was a very serious woman. She always placed her training and her duties to her clan and Taloba. As such, it should be no surprise that she served as one of Heda of the Creeping Vines most trusted scouts, and was noted for her skill with hand and a half swords. Dekki never came back from her final scouting mission, where she fell prey to a Symenestra.

Wiata of the Raging Boar - Father (46):Pua’s father is a poison crafter. He uses the herbs, fungi, plants, and fauna that te hunters and scouts bring back out of the jungle to create a wide range of nasty little toxins that he sells to the citizens of Taloba and the merchants that take wears into the outside world.

Aleana of the Spirit Falcons - Aunt (37):Pua’s aunt is currently the only woman within the Spirit Falcon clan capable of bearing child, if just barely. Instead of feeling the pressure of having to preserve the clan’s bloodline, she uses her unique position to excuse her sultry lifestyle. It is not surprising for the man on her arm to change on a daily basis. Aleana is the mother of Hideki and Nipa.

Hideki of the Spirit Falcons - Cousin (deceased):Pua and his cousin Hideki have been best friends since they first noticed that they had the same color eyes as kids. The friendship lasted up until his death, despite the fact that Pua was three years older. Wild and rambunctious, Hideki loved to celebrate anything and everything, and to celebrate it loudly. Hideki was killed during his three year army tour by a Dhani while on a routine patrol. Pua’s earring is part of a pair that was given to Hideki by his father. After Hideki’s death, Pua began wearing one of the earrings in his left ear as a way of honoring his memory. Nipa, Hideki’s half sister wears the other in a similar fashion.

Nipa of the Spirit Falcons - Cousin (14):Barring the rare chance that Aleana bears another daughter, Pua’s cousin Nipa is the last gasp of the Spirit Falcon bloodline, a fact that the elders of the clan have made quite clear to her on a nearly constant basis. A shy and reserved individual, Nipa has taken to retreating into her spear training to escape the constant badgering. Despite being only fourteen, the almost continuous practice has resulted in her surpassing a few experts in the skill and she is beginning to be sen as a child prodigy within Taloba’s spear wielding community.

Last edited by Pua on February 18th, 2010, 3:32 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Pua of the Spirit Falcons

Postby Pua on February 13th, 2010, 4:23 am


Staring Cash = 100

Turn in Starter +500

Starting Buys:
Crossbow, bracer x2 -170
Crossbow, hand x2 -200
40 Bracer bolts -2
40 hand bolts -2
20 armor piercing bolts -20
Belt pouch x2 -2
Bedroll -1sm
Belt x2 -4sm
Subtotal = -396gm, 5sm

Upgrade -178gm

Traveler's Stock -3gm
Quiver -6gm

Total = 16gm, 95sm
Last edited by Pua on July 25th, 2010, 3:26 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Pua of the Spirit Falcons

Postby Pua on February 13th, 2010, 4:24 am

Last edited by Pua on April 27th, 2010, 4:31 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Pua of the Spirit Falcons

Postby Pua on February 13th, 2010, 7:03 pm

Artwork Credits:
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