Harper Ainsworth
Basic Information
Race: Human Birthday & Age: 24, born Winter, 488 AV. Gender: Female
Language 1: Common (fluent)
Physical Description
Harper is a small, timid girl with long, thin legs and naturally wavy, light brown hair that reaches down to her lower back. She is only about 5''8' feet tall. She has large red, rosy lips and forest-green eyes. She has a small button nose, and a few beauty marks on her face in random places. She often wears long-sleeved robes and sandals. She is simple looking, yet beautiful at the same time. She often places her hair behind her eyes in order to keep it from falling into her face, and chews on her lip. Harper will often be seen with deep-set bags under her eyes from a lack of sleep. Harper has high cheek bones and a strong jawline, and her cheeks are somewhat concave to her face. Harper is often sickly looking, due to the effects of her Leeching. Her fingers are often bloody due to her excessively biting her nails.
Character Concept Harper tends to be quiet, usually keeping to herself. She isn't one to start conversations or approach others. She doesn't smile often, and talks in a low voice. Coughing often, she has a rather raspy voice, as if she inhaled too much smoke as a child. She was often focused on perfecting her magical abilities or on her research as a teenager. She enjoys traveling, but is truly in love with her hometown of Zeltiva. She loves the smell of the sea and bustle of the city. Harper is jittery and nervous often, but tries to suppress it. She often feels awkward during social situations, usually trying to avoid them as much as possible. She finds small talk difficult and doesn't make much eye contact. In recent years, she has become adept at concealing her emotions, at pushing them to the back of her mind, so that she may think logically in dire situations. Harper prefers to keep her emotions at bay, feeling that emotions are too messy--that they just tend to get in the way.
Character History
Harper grew up in a small home inside the walls of Zeltiva with her father, an odd magician that was regularly rejected by others. He was a tad eccentric, therefore Harper was not exposed to many people. Her father often taught her about Djed and the different forms of magic. Harper's mother died while giving birth to her, and Harper has always felt a longing for her. Growing up with only a wizard father and no mother, Harper felt empty; like she had no purpose in life. She regularly practiced Voiding under the watch of her father, and secretly read about and studied the art of Leeching. Harper was eventually inducted into the art of Leeching by another sorceress living in Zeltiva. Her father didn't like the fact that she threw herself into Leeching, and things turned ugly. Things were said, punches were thrown, and magic was used. In the end, Harper left home and ventured out into the world, and began her search for something greater than herself.
Fall - Winter of 511 AV
Harper arrived in Syliras in the fall of 511 AV. The city was very different from the wilderness in which she had traveled in for so long. She had a little too much confidence going into the city. She had an idea that she was somewhat better than the commoners of the city, like she was above them because she understood a few magic arts (even though her own understandings weren't actually all-that refined).
She encountered an Akalak squire who wished to learn how to defend himself against magic. Harper, being overly confident, agreed to spar with him. She thought that she could easily defeat him with the combination of Voiding and Leeching. But things turned ugly, and Harper nearly got herself killed.
The experience was humbling. She realized how weak she really was, and wished to become stronger. She decided to join the Syliran Knights and became a mage-knight-in-training: a squire under the leadership of Ser Klaus Cham of the 4th Regiment, Gold Quadron, White Company.
Spring of 512 AV
Harper was almost immediately subjected to great danger due to the great Djed Storms that came in the spring. She managed to survive, but being left as one of the few mage-knights left, she felt a great deal of pressure.
Voiding - 34 (30 SP) Leeching - 28 (15 Racial Bonus/10 SP) Wilderness Survival - 10 (10 SP) Rhetoric - 5 Interrogation - 3 Observation - 2
Lore of Losing A Parent Lore of Navigating Zeltiva Talking an Akalak Down Syliran Knights- Basic Overgiving Knightly Inspirations
Equipment and Possessions
Black robe and sandals 1 Waterskin 1 Backpack which contains: 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap) Food for a week 1 eating knife Flint & Steel Small Necklace (was her mother's)
92 Gold-Rimmed Mizas, 9 Silver-Rimmed Mizas
Thread List: Flashbacks: Sea Captains Don't Like Crewcuts (pending...)
Fall, 511: Dust and Dander Repel Danger (Completed) Hunting for Hidden Treasure (Completed) |