Jaiun couldn't help but raise his eyes as Riley talked. What she spoke of...it sounded an awful lot like slavery. Having never encountered the craft in Avanthal, Jaiun couldn't say much given it's alienness, but to Jaiun, with his honorable, proud ways, it sounded like despicable to force others to do your bidding. "Oh." was all Jaiun could think of to say in response to the girl's statements; he truly was at a loss of words to say- a new experience for him. "That's..." Embarassed- another new experience- Jaiun briefly turned into his drink, taking a deep gulp of it in a vain attempt to politely hide his embarassedness. When he settled the cup back down, he managed to hear her next question, that of the Polar Bear guard, and, grateful for a change of topic, he jumped onto the subject willingly: "Well, the Polar Bear guard are a part of Icewatch. We and our Vantha partners defend this city." Airily, Jaiun waved his arm around to indicate Avanthal. "And yes, that is what I'm a part of." Jaiun gave her a look that meant she should have known that by now. When she replaced his money with her own, Jaiun was silent and collected his money back. It had been an implusive gesture on his part- and he could see how it worried her. He hadn't been quite sure what had forced him to jump the theoretical gun and put down his money for someone he barely knew; he had just felt, at the moment, it had been the right thing to do. For the bartender, of course, he didn't care who was paying as long as he got his money. He sweeped up the mizas and returned to the kitchen, presumably to get Riley's food and drink. |