[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

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[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

Postby Eridanus on February 5th, 2012, 6:03 am

Ooh i love sci-fi. What font is that anyway?
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[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

Postby Harper on February 5th, 2012, 7:29 am

As do I!

And it's Courier. I love the font quite a bit. <3
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[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

Postby Harper on February 18th, 2012, 3:10 am

Well I don't know--
If yesterday;
Yesterday you loved me.
I understood in my life
That never anybody else could change inside
And though I know I'm not,
I feel so good for you.
In my house--yesterday--
In my house.
Leather sofa,
Velcro shoe-laces
And by the fireplace,
Everything is forgotten.
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[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

Postby Harper on February 20th, 2012, 12:55 am

I've always seen Harper as a mirror of myself. We're alike in almost every way, only we show it differently, if that makes any sense at all. She thinks in ways that I think, and because of that, she prides herself on logic, as I do.

Logic is something I find to be very important. I've had others argue that "too much logic" is dangerous, because it can lead others to do crazy things. I asked them for a reference, and they said something about some guy on a TV show killing someone because it was logical or something, which I found to be a dumb example because, well... it was a TV show, not real life.

Point is, I try and live as logically as I can, and I'd say I'm okay at it. I try not to let emotions get in the way of things and I prefer to rely on science and deductive reasoning instead of mythology and superstition to run my life; hence, why I'm not religious.

But in Mizahar, gods and goddess are readily accepted and we, the writers, know them to be real in the world of Mizahar. So for the sake of fantasy, I accept them to be real in Mizahar because they prove themselves to be existent and yeah.

Well, in that case, Harper believes in the gods, but she's never really paid much attention to them. For a while now, I've wanted that to change because I think the incorporation of a god (or goddess) would be really interesting for her character development. I've gone through the list of gods and I really love two of them when it comes to Harper: Gnora and Qalaya. Gnora, because her domains are logic and order, which just automatically attracts me to her, and Qalaya because of memory and writing. Qalaya "seeks to preserve history," which I find to be important, as does Harper.

I've also wanted a gnosis for Harper, because, again, it'd just make things more interesting. Sicne the gnosis for Qalaya isn't finished (No pressure, Dani!), I'd go with Gnora's because it sounds super cool.

I just can't figure out how to introduce Harper to Gnora. The Ano Cult sounds amazing but Harp's already signing up for the Knights, so she can't really join another group.

I dunno. Just some thoughts I felt I needed to write down somewhere.
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[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

Postby Harper on March 8th, 2012, 5:02 am

Time is passing slowly; it reminds me of syrup.
Sweet, thick, sticky molasses.
It feels thick on my tongue
and reluctant to enter my sacred body--

Hello, white room.
The smell of latex is prominent again.
"Just relax, honey, it'll all be okay,"
What sweet whispers you speak.
Oh! You stuck me? Lovely.

My tongue lulls around in my mouth,
Dry as sand paper--
Gritty teeth and heavy eye lids

I can't do it anymore.
I simply can't deal with it anymore.
Dear friend, please,
Take me now. I'm asking you
to take me now.

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[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

Postby Harper on March 10th, 2012, 9:58 pm

March 9th, 2012

School was dull. Dull, dull, null and void. School is kind of pathetically easy for me. It might be because I live in Louisiana, where we rank 43rd in the worst educational system in the country, but still. It's boring, everyone is rude and overly-religious for my taste, they integrate God into everything which I find kind of illegal and annoying but I can't do anything about it.

I could have graduated early, but my parents talked me out of it plus I ended up getting a scholarship that I wouldn't have gotten if I was already graduated. So that's a good thing, I suppose.

I started work today. I got a job at Pizza Hut, and I can't get the smell of grease out of my nose. The entire place was greasy and gave me the urge to clean. I just finished cleaning my entire room actually because I couldn't stand one more second of any messiness.

The manager there is nice but he calls me "baby" which seems odd. He smokes more than a fire and smells a little like beer. But all that aside, he's a cool guy. The other workers are annoying as fuck. The girl training me treated me like an idiot and ordered me around like she was some kind of drill sargent. I eventually told her, "This job is pretty easy and you've explained what to do about three different times already; I think I can handle it." I ended up working two hours overtime on my first day, and my boss was like "Good job today, glad to have you on the team."

Glad to be here, sir! Not.

Birthday is in two days. Not too excited. Amber wants to get drunk, but I hate being drunk. I feel sluggish and gross. Vodka here I come.
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[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

Postby Harper on May 20th, 2012, 4:18 pm


So a ton has happened since I was last on Mizahar. I've been lurking the cite since March, just silently watching and reading, waiting for my character updates (which have been taken care of finally, but that's a whole other story).

I recently graduated high school. And by recently, I mean that it happened yesterday. I'm so freaked out by it, honestly. I'm not even sure what to do with myself anymore. I'm going to college in the fall and I'm so freaked out. I've no idea what I want to do with my life anymore. I've said I was going into nursing for a really long time, but now that I'm at that point...I'm just not sure.

Anyway, all that aside, I've been working my ass off at dumb Pizza Hut for the past two months and I really don't like it, but I guess I probably won't like any job I get. I find all of the things I have to do disgusting and greasy and I just hate it. Why couldn't I get a job in a nice coffee shop like I wanted? Sigh.

I recently found an old record of the band 'Hole' in my parents storage unit, and I've been listening to it for the past four days straight. Courtney Love might be insane, but god her voice is awesome. I'm not one to be into much grunge-rock music (I usually like softer, more musical/melodic things), but I really can't get enough of their music.

Anyway. Yeah. Now my scrapbook is all up-to-date! Sort of.
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[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

Postby Tabarnac on May 20th, 2012, 9:03 pm

Congratulations! Don't worry too much about not knowing what you want to do. I just figured it out this year and I'm almost twice your age. That being said, I've always loved Hole. I'm glad you're enjoying it.

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[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

Postby Harper on May 21st, 2012, 8:11 pm

Oh, but I could never leave! I'm trying not to worry too much, it's just a reoccurring thought in the back of my mind. Hole is a great band, and Courtney is my new role-model. <3 Which probably is not a good thing.

So something has actually been kind of bothering me lately. In Mizahar, the first thing I knew when I was making Harper was that magic was not widely accepted. It was looked down upon, it was seen as dangerous and hostile. Which it is. Magic is so dangerous and those experimenting with it usually go crazy or die. I'm expecting Harper to be killed by one of her terrible experiments, or ending up insane and trying to take over the world by raising an army of turtles.

But the more and more I read about different PC's, the more I notice how almost every single PC has some kind of skill in the arcane. It's a really grey emotion for me because I know how exciting playing a character with magic is, how it's new-found territory and how interesting it can make things, but I feel like every single character has a history with magic, and their characters just walk around like it's no big deal.

I mean, I'm not at all trying to criticize other peoples' writing or their character creation, I'm just stating my own observations. Should their characters be met with a little more .. social challenge?

I really try and make Harper fit the mold of the typical wizard in Miz. Y'know, a bit strange and paranoid, really socially awkward, and then I try to make it even worse by making her a Leecher. I really want to hold true to the fact that magic-users are looked down upon because it's one of my favorite aspects of the world of Mizahar. I also sort-of wish that not every character in the game had some magical talent, but I know that would be a terrible and unfair thing to enforce. Does any of that make sense? Like, I don't want to tell people how to play their characters and I'm totally in love with the magic systems and magic users of the game, I just wish there wasn't so many? I don't even know, I probably sound really pretentious which isn't my goal.

I hope some of that makes sense...
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[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

Postby Tabarnac on May 21st, 2012, 11:44 pm

I get where you're coming from, and there are certainly a lot of magic-users. I think some of it stems from the same part of us that wants to play a pretty person. We want to play magical people too. Two of my five have no magic, one of whom is actively seeking gnosis, but to no avail. Sama'el learned Webbing because he wants to become a Drykas Ankal, and then that somehow got him to stumble into Auristics even though I had no intention of him getting that. Hadrian has met up with some resistance, especially in Avanthal, though to some extent even in Syliras, and he was careful to keep his talents hidden while in Ravok because he didn't want them to force him into service to the Ebonstryfe and/or Black Sun.

I think in my head I see it as we all want to play the exceptional character, so if you're meeting a PC, they might be more open to magic than an NPC, who might be... less than exceptional? More superstitious, etc.

Just my two cents, for what they're worth.
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