[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

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[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

Postby Harper on May 25th, 2012, 7:32 pm

So, since I just graduated, I figured that I would finally do something "stupid and reckless." So I dyed my hair blue.

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Yeah. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get fired from my job. *thumbs up*

P.S. Don't mind that my bathroom wall is torn up (if you noticed that...), we're re-modeling.
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[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

Postby Gossamer on May 25th, 2012, 8:10 pm

I actually love your hair that color. It reminds me of a storm sky full of possibilities just like you are right now. I have a crazy friend that dyes her hair a different color every week and she ironically works for Disney. I'll show you pictures if you like. Wild hair can land you wild jobs. Go figure. And Grats on the Graduation!
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[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

Postby Phoenix on May 25th, 2012, 8:11 pm

I have to agree with Jen. I would never ever ever have the balls to dye my hair. So I'm going to live vicariously through you! It looks awesome, in my opinion!
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[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

Postby Harper on May 26th, 2012, 3:56 pm

Aw, thank you so much guys!

My mother actually made me dye it black over because she didn't want me to get in trouble at work. I look like Death embodied, sigh. But w/e, it's just hair; I'll live.
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[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

Postby Tabarnac on May 27th, 2012, 5:37 am

I've always wanted to dye my hair that color. Glad you got to live the dream for a little while!
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[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

Postby Harper on May 27th, 2012, 11:12 am


I've never gotten too much of it. I guess I've always had a problem sleeping, and I know it's a pretty common issue. I went to the doctor for it last year and he gave me some medicine, but the medicine put me in such a deep sleep every time I took it, I swear I was in a mini-coma every night. It was really difficult for me to wake up in time for school and I always felt really dead for the first three hours after waking up. To me, it just wasn't worth it; I'd rather just be restless than a zombie.

The sleeplessness comes in minors and majors. I'll be okay for a couple of weeks straight. I'll get about six hours every night which isn't too bad, considering. But then I'll have a good month or two where I'll get almost none, maybe nine hours a week. I really hate it because I get sick a lot because of it. My guess is it's because my immune system isn't being recharged or whatever ('cause sleep kinda does that, among many other things), so I just get sick. I've always been kind of a sickly person anyway (I actually have celiac disease, so no gluten for me).

The months where I get almost no sleep are always the most interesting though. I eventually reach a state where everything feels really surreal. Like, I'm in this lull where nothing really feels real and my mind is kind of numb. It gets hard to concentrate on anything. It's gotten to the point where I have trouble speaking with correct grammar and I basically act like I'm on drugs.

I dunno, I'm at that point where I can't really sleep at all and I'm bored. My eyes hurt and I want ice cream.
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[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

Postby Tabarnac on May 28th, 2012, 3:34 am

Hey Garrett, you should really talk to a doctor about options there. A lot of sleep aids have a "hangover" period where you have to take them a certain amount of time before you want to wake up or you'll be "drunk" for a while after waking up. It's why I don't take anything stronger than melatonin generally. But there are other things, like warm milk, valerian root... you should experiment to find out what works best for you. I'd just steer clear of the Ambien, because that stuff makes you hallucinate and do crazy stuff. NOT worth it.

If you don't get sleep, you'll go nuts or your health will really suffer. :(
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[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

Postby Xalet on May 28th, 2012, 5:22 am

I know I always joke with people about "more body building" being the answer, but for some people with sleep problems it really is. Doing some heavy circuit weight training (or cardio if you don't want to gain too much mass) about five or six hours before you'd normally sleep really helps a lot of people fall to sleep faster and sleep deeper.

It needs to be vigorous though, walking or what have you won't cut it. When you're done, you need to be sweating, hard. If you ever give it a shot though, let me know how it goes. Through experience, education, and my circle of lifters I've heard a lot of good results.
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[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

Postby Harper on May 29th, 2012, 3:31 am

Yeah, I guess you're right Dani. I'm just apprehensive I guess. I dunno.

Xalet, I have actually been thinking of trying that out. Like, at least running. My friend and I wanna start to run every weekend. Maybe that'll actually help?

So sleeplessness aside, here's Grimes:

Um, Grimes is one of my favorite artists ever. It's my dream to see her live.
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[Harper's Scrapbook] Listen While I Harper On.

Postby Tabarnac on May 29th, 2012, 3:46 am

Any exercise would probably help. Yoga knocks me out. I have to make an effort not to pass out in corpse pose at the end.

Also, I'm sensing a common thread to your female vocalists.
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