„Well, maybe it is easier to practice in your own home“, Lucas conceded. „But who’s going to help you if you accidentially set your home on fire? They probably have all kinds of security devices in here. People will pay for this, trust me. And that’s actually a good idea. Maybe I should open an Animation laboratory!“ Of course Lucas only had the vaguest idea what animation entailed, and as far as he was concerned, alchemy mainly made things explode, but he didn’t tell Harper that. No, Lucas preferred to pretend that he knew everything! „I’ve already done the mental work“, he then claimed. „My mind is practically empty, as empty as the void – if the void is empty. Is the void empty?“ He narrowed his eyes and looked at her. „Or are there all kinds of treasure in there? Are there people living in the void?“ If you could send things into the void, they had to end up somewhere, right? Maybe there was a whole hidden world behind the portals! „How about you give it a try and tell me more?“ he asked her because he had no interest in looking for a teacher that would probably make him go through all kinds of boring meditation exercises. „Maybe I’m so talented that I’ll open my first portal today! It’s probably hard to believe when you look at me, but I’m really quite intelligent!“ He gave her his most confident smile. |