[Once again Faylon would play the attentive student as Talen continued to instruct him on swordplay. Faylon was starting to realize more than he had previously but there was still a lot more for him to learn and it seemed as though Talen was the type of thorough teacher that would ensure he received a complete education. As Talen told him they would spend more time of soft guards Faylon would nod his head once and listen as he continued.] [Eyes were focused as Talen told Faylon to strike a blow at him and nodding Faylon would have done just that. Following the instructions that he was given Faylon, gripping his longsword right hand over the left, would lift it over his head and strike a blow from his right shoulder to left hip. It happened much the same as he envisioned. Talen caught his sword and parried it and the next thing Faylon knew he received a knee to the side that winded him unexpectedly.] [Kneeling down after the blow Faylon would use his left hand, drawn away from the hilt of his sword, to press against his where the knee had struck him. Usually he wouldn’t have been winded as easily but he hadn’t expected Talen to actually hit him yet. Actually Faylon felt kind of embarrassed considering the number of pugilist events he’d taken part of and how it usually took a bit more to rattle him but not this time. He’d remember this though and be ready for it the next time that Talen tried something.] [Looking up at Talen as the man grinned down at him Faylon would not his head once and reply...”Yes, I see what you mean by soft counter now. It make sense to me.”...he smiled as he finished his acknowledgement of what Talen was teaching him and thought that he had a fairly good grasp on the concept now. Bruises would make remembering this lesson easier as well it’s true. After he had replied to Talen he would climb back up onto his feet and stand straight before taking his sword in both hands again, ready.] [Watching as Talen demonstrated what had happened gave Faylon a better appreciation for what had occurred too and he would nod his head again. “Yes, I see what you mean. You’ve used all of the attackers momentum against him.”...he said when Talen had finished showing him both the attackers and defenders view points. When Talen told him the trick to defending was to deflect a blow rather than simply block it Faylon saw the wisdom in this as well; it actually would take more energy to block a blow rather than redirect it. Nodding once more Faylon would wait until Talen told him to play his part while he re-enacted his role as attacker.] [As Talen made the huge blow in slow motion then Faylon, mimicking what he had been shown would raise his Longsword to catch the attack. Angling the Longsword at forty-five degrees with the tip left and back he would catch Talen’s blade as it was descending before pushing it left so that he could deflect it aside and off balance the man. Naturally if he preformed it correctly it should open Talen to a counterattack the same as it had opened Faylon to one moments ago but he did not strike. He would step backwards, drawing his Longsword away, after completing the defence and say...”That works great. I’d always thought that blocking steel to steel was most effective but I see how deflecting is much better now that you’ve shown me.”...Faylon would reset his sword at his midsection with tip upward and angled ahead as he finished his comments.] [Now that he had preformed a lead into a soft counter by deflecting Faylon was curious as to what the next lesson would be. They’d covered a lot of ground so far but there was still so much more to learn and Faylon was always looking to expand his current repertoire. He’d wait and take a breath before asking a question that came to mind...”Does this type of defence work with all weapons? What I mean is a two handed Axe or Sword is inherently so large that I’ve heard their weight alone will carry them through a block and into their target. Do you think footwork is your greatest asset in fighting a weapon like that or is there a specific way to defend against a larger weapon that might be too heavy to block or deflect safely?”...he didn’t want Talen to think that he wasn’t paying attention, he was, but he couldn’t shake the idea that some things it was better just not to be in the way of too. Regardless of the answer he received Faylon was all ears though, he made a good pupil as far as listening went, and continued to be very observant.] OOCNo worries. I thought the post was great! Sorry for the delayed response; I'm getting ready for vacation on tuesday. |