by Miro on September 16th, 2011, 5:19 am
Miro readied himself, gathering up his thoughts. "Try not to ask questions until I finish. Djed is the first principle you will be learning about. Djed is everywhere in Mizahar. Everything from the rocks to the people to the food you eat. It is what gives things identity. Your soul is made of djed formed in different ways, in layers. At the center, there is the soulcore. It is the center that holds everything together. Like the seed your soul starts from. When we were first created, the gods formed the foundation of our essence. Even after death, the soulcore will live on, keeping your identity as a soul."
Miro paused for a moment, hoping not to leave him too far behind.
"The next part is the persona. It's what gives us our feelings, personality. The things we know, the identity of us as a person. When we die, we shed it away, losing it to the world around us, and when we are reincarnated the seed is planted yet again. Around the persona, we find our astral body. This layer is relevant in some magics. Our astral body shapes to our bodies, giving them the power to move. It forms through it and becomes attached, moving it like a puppet. Upon reading into projection, I found that you can even separate your astral body from your body, moving it separately. And from what I read about spiritism, ghosts are essentially a large astral body with no physical body. So, imagine your astral body as a ghost controlling your body. On the very outside, surrounding your body is your aura. It is what is leaked outside of your body, the extra energy not contained. In the magic auristics, one can learn to read auras and learn things from them."
Miro took a deep breath then sighed, pausing yet again. He smiled towards Grim and drew in a deep breath. "Now that you know what djed is, and how it works in you body, I can tell you the laws. The first law, djed can not be created or destroyed. When you die, and your soul is stripped down to its base, the energy is not gone, but released back into the world. Everything moves in a circle. It can however, be transformed. Moved to somewhere else, move to the next stage in its cycle. The second law, some djed is more pure than others. A rock, compared to your self has very little djed. You have will, if you want, you can transform you djed through magic. The third law reminds us that some transformations are irreversible. Once one dies, and their persona is stripped away, it is gone, never to be again."
Miro looked at him now, appearing very stern. "This is very important. The risks of magic are very serious. The stem of most problems from magic...other than being attack with it, is overgiving. That is what we call it when you use too much djed. It can effect you in many different ways, usually relating to they type of personal magic you are using. It can effect you physically, mentally or even spiritually. Minor cases can result in headaches or aches. Sometimes slowly altering your mind. More serious causes can make you insane even. When one starts to go into overgiving you will start to get the urge to cast more, furthering the damage done to you. THIS is the real dangerous part. A mage hearing sweet whispers can go crazy with power, taking everybody with him before his body is ripped apart from using too much power. Strict personal discipline is what will save your life. It's a quick decline, so you must be careful and learn your limits. Mages learn to take a part of their essence and store it as usable power to fuel spells. It is easy to see why using too much has consequences."
Miro took a long pause trying to decide something. He looked slightly disturbed. "There are three types of different magics. Personal magic, using your own djed as a source. World magic, taking energy from the world around you by using blood. The last being divine magic, which are various gifts from the god. I myself have one." Miro lifted his shirt showing his back. On his back appeared to be a blue tattoo of a snowflake between his shoulders. "Morwen has marked me as one of her children. I was born with the mark. But that isn't the only way to get one. It is possible for a god to mark any person, if that is their wish. I have even heard of a god giving a bad gnosis to people. Some have angered the gods and had a curse struck on them rather than a gift. You will need to learn discipline when taught to harness your djed for magic. We will push you, causing you to start to overgive slightly. That will be the first step towards understanding what the risks are."
Miro sat, thinking how to explain the more practical parts of magic. Teaching his student to harness the powers of his soul. He would have to teach him to use these tools, and hope that he wouldn't regret it soon after. If Grim began to slip off the right track Miro would have to push him back on it or end him.