And the sad thing is, Siiri, that for every one we hear about there's probably hundreds of issues we don't hear about. I can't believe people would do that to children... innocent little babies. It breaks my heart. As someone who's tried to have kids for years, I really just want to shake the persons involved or at least subject them to the same treatment they subjected their little ones too. I know thats not very just. But its the way I feel.
I've even been wandering around my place today feeling sorry for my horses because they are out in mud and their runs are caked high with debris that needs removed. I can't do anything about it until the weather dries out the mud and summer comes along to do the annual spreading of the apples and re-sanding the runs. But.. guess what? They are probably on the plump side for conditioning. They are overwhelmingly well-fed. Their stalls are dry. And if you ask them, they still want to go out in the mud because no one wants to be in the stall all winter long while its pouring down rain even on a nice day. My animals get to the vet. A thick file multiple places testifies to this. They get wormed, hoof care, vacs and the whole nine yards. Every day I check a horse rescue site looking at animals that are turned in and in horrible shape. Every day I read
Fugly Horse to see whats going on in the equine world thats batshittery. But the truth is, its never enough. All you can do is take care of things on the home front and report things on other fronts when they aren't going well.
But regardless, I get soooo mad at neglect, abuse, and general battshittery.