Today Has Been A Good Day...
Well, all in all it hasn't been a bad weekend. Lets just pretend I didn't spend the majority of it sick, and instead look at the fact I finally did get Webbing and Divination up. I think they turned out halfway decent, even if personalities like Charon had to fix my links because I cannot simply make a Rek'keli link work! Thank you guys. If anyone has any issues, feel free to raise them anywhere you'd like - publicly, in my pm box, etc. The same goes for questions. I also got Phylonura 3/4 of the way written with Abashai's help. That's Druidism, if any of you just went 'huh?'. It's pronounced Fie-Low-No-Rah. I might have that up tomorrow (or even late tonight) though it might be better off being posted later in the week. I find its always good to pour pissed-off energy (yea I'm still torqued) into something productive rather than sit around stewing about issues. And its always doubly good to remind folks, myself included, that I hold things to such high standards because I produce serious writeup by producing said writeups.
Tarot cracked me up today. He asked for a rundown of the last few days when we ran into each other in chat. I filled him in and he simply said "Ah! Business as usual I see!" Yes indeed. Moving on.
H flashed a pretty piece of silver i chat that by all reports indicated her long time boyfriend and well-known hotie (with a brain!) had picked up for her. The rock was gorgeous. This is good news to me. When your in a happy loving wonderful relationship, you tend to want everyone around you to be in the same sort of relationship you want everyone and I do mean everyone to fall in love all around you and hook up just as badly - big bad scary commitments and all. Life is sorta funny that way. If you have a good thing going, you want everyone to have it good as well.
Not that I'm funny or that I think life is funny. Life just surprises the heck out of me most days. I'm never quite sure, anymore, what I'm going to wake up too. I'm normally someone that likes zero drama - or maybe just a little sprinkling of drama like some people on a low salt diet enjoy by sneaking a pinch of salt only infrequently. But these days its a challenge. And while I do appreciate humor - I rarely generate it. I will leave that to others far more qualified.
I'm not really good at being funny. Some people are. I just have never considered myself a funny person. I'm the quiet girl that sits back in the back of a classroom and figures out all the ways a professor is probably wrong or slanted or otherwise radical (and then feel privately amused at this) rather than speak up and get involved in the discussion. If someone is being petty or retarded, I enjoy letting them go for it. An incident in politics this weekend comes to mind. Just because one half of the Congress isn't in session, doesn't mean - dipshit - that you appoint people they normally need to approve. Don't you ever wonder why approval ratings drop? Or is that some sort of conspiracy on the right? It's easier to lay blame, I'm sure, than take responsibility. So, rather than cracking jokes - when things aren't funny, I'm looking for hidden meanings and patterns - even in poltiics. That isn't to say I have an analytical mind. I do not. I have a very artistic mind. I've always had a huge love of science but had to continuously fight for the correct brain hemisphere to be on the correct task at any given time... because they often were flip flopped. But you make due, no matter how poor the tools are, with what the Gods gave you. I mean, I often remind myself at least I use them... as pitiful as they are. I see a lot of people lately having a lot of epic fails in the common sense department. This is acutely so when I turn on the news or listen to NPR or browse my favorite news websites.
It's not pretty out there folks. I hope you enjoyed your celebration last weekend because there's going to be very little to celebrate in the days to come. Record layoffs have already been announced at ATT&T, John Deere, and a whole host of other places. It's saddening. I talked to my buddy on the phone yesterday for two hours because he was stuck down in LA and didn't make it back to Seattle on schedule. Guess why he was stuck? Shakeups at Pepsi down south. You know things are bad if our soda makers are having problems. Gotta love that. I know some of you probably read my blog and are wondering what I'm talking about... well, in the light of not elaborating, I'll simply say this. You'll see.
I know I'm going to have a busy week at work with it being the first quarter of the first period, so I do not know how tired I will be after being sick last week. Still, three days off is delicious, even if you are on the couch sleeping most of the time. It's given me time to relax a little, take stock, be thankful for what I have and that my problems are relatively minor compared to others.
Now, if it would only stop raining, despite politics and despite butthurts, things would be near perfect.
The weather here in the pacific northwest has to take a turn for the better soon. We had a steady downpour of rain all day and that gets old. I'm a person that likes to go outside a lot - work on projects - etc but I've been such a homebody lately and that's probably because I really don't want to keep getting soaked to the skin and thus getting sick. So sun... any day now okay? I'm appealing to your greater sunny nature. The northwest needs a little dryout love. Immediately. I order it. So if you happen to have a magic wand out there or a spare wish laying around from the last time you rubbed your genie's lamp, please don't mind taking a moment to seriously wish the Pacific Northwest some really nice weather for a few weeks. Our trees and grass are by and large green enough for the moment. |