Nyka: Can't recite your catechism? That's an ass-kicking.
And for those who haven't read the rest...
Brutally Honest City Descriptions
Syliras: the closest thing to normal, and the only city with a WalMart
Zeltiva: We're just holding on until the pirates take over and turn this into the grog capital of the world.
Sahova: No one with an IQ under 120 allowed.
Ravok: Harlequin romance meets zombie film.
Abura: Your very own acid trip.
Avanthal: Like Aspen and the Alps but way less fun.
Endrykas: If Rohan went RV-ing
Mura: Where Lifetime always airs and hell breaks loose once a month.
Riverfall: Sausage fest 365 days a year at frat city.
Taloba: We're tough dammit! Real tough! And we like blood and bones and crap!
Black Rock: Casper can kiss our sophisticated ass.
Zinrah: Snakes, why'd it have to be snakes?
Charbosi: Pacifist central, aka Chickens of the Sea.
Sultros: The next Isur who sings "Hi-Ho" is going to get a righteous beatdown from this freakish arm.
Wind Reach: Ok, maybe we have no muscle development in our legs, but do
you have an eagle chauffer?
Kalinor: May want to get it fumigated before you move in.
Ahanatep: Come and experience sand in places you never knew existed.
Yahebah: Maseltoff! The desert hasn't killed you yet! Now lets dance it out!
Eloab: Roanoke Island sounds like a great place to set up a colony.
Hai: Escape from L.A., save Kurt isn't going anywhere.