by Tarot on January 28th, 2012, 9:37 pm
I'm pretty much caught up!
Also, we broke a new record with over 1,000 visits per day on two separate days this week. That's especially impressive since we block traffic from China (and boy, did it kill 100% of the spam), so it's all legit traffic.
And now, for something completely different, a new, long awaited installment of What People Search For When They Find Mizahar On Google. Mizahar often pops up in completely unrelated, and sometimes embarrassing, searches. Usually that's the work of our industrious players mentioning these things in some thread, and Google taking them completely out of context. Like "spongebob boxers" (true story). So here's a few examples (mind you, these people didn't necessarily click on our link, but they must have seen it):
"rainbow sparkles" - for a dark, gritty world like ours ranking for this is pure shame... I mean, it can't possibly get any worse than this.
"unicorns and rainbows" - apparently it can.
"cyborg unicorn" - I actually like this one.
"glitter eye" - okay, who let Satu out?
"male chest tattoo" - we're having a proliferation of these searches. I blame Goss.
"hammerhead shark tattoo" - riiiight. If I didn't have a strict no-tattoo conviction, I'd totally go for one!
"ignorant people" - buddy, you indexed way too many scrapbook rants!
"gloomy person" - and too many CSes.
"oh hey oh hi hello" - and too many introduction threads.
"teacup with tea" - is a teacup with coffee in it not a teacup? There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio...
"people eating fruit" - I hope it was different fruits, or else things might have gotten rough.
"celebrity jizz" - ...? I worry about mankind.
"amazing sex" - what can I say? Apparently we ranked around #230 for this search, meaning that people went through 23 pages to reach our link. They really were interested in the topic.
"stringy white discharge" - O.O what have you people been threading about?
"world's fattest caterpillar" - why does everything have to sound like double entendre?
And... saving the best for last... someone searched for...
"your inside a prison with an iron door and a lock, there is one prison guard inside with you but he is blind, you have a thin hollow rod about 4cm in diameter. you cannot kill or hurt the blind guard and you must escape the prison cell by taking his keys which are in his back pocket. the guard is very alert and would feel any pick pocketing... escape!" - yes, someone searched for all this.
Note: I'm not even going to mention all the Mitch Hewer searches, some more tasteful than others.
Tarot's thread tickets: sold out. Not accepting any more threads for the time being unless I promised you one. Sorry for the inconvenience! |