by Keido on October 10th, 2011, 11:27 am
"I am sorry, I should not have questioned your professional capabilities" apologizing for his offending question.
Keido picked up the glove that was made from the tsana's tail. He could barely recognize what it was if he didn't already know what it was. Karash was very good at his work. Keido never could have imagined that bones could be used like this and the designs were enthralling. He tried to look at what was in those circles closer to see the craft that he paid for but whatever it was it made no sense to him.
"It was not what I expected and that is a good thing" he said putting the glove on.
Squeezing it to get a feel of it, it felt very comfortable. The bones did not interfere with his movements. Keido was quite pleased and it showed on his face when a little smile started forming on it. With the tsana glove on, he held out his hand giving its creator one last time to feel it in his hands.
"Thank you, I will gladly use this just like the gold I have already given you. I hope that next time if I run into anything again I may bring it to you sir." If there was nothing else, Keido would take his leave now from the shop.
Keido is now dead as of 34th of Fall, 511 AV (16th of September, 2011). I will do my best to finish all existing threads before I retire him so people with him right now don't worry.