First tab Main Character Info
Karis's Character Sheet Race: Human, Inarta Age: 17 Height: 5'4" Weight: 112 lbs Hair: A rich, medium red. Eyes: Hazel/gold. Birthdate 8th day of Winter, 493 ![]() Appearance: Karis is tall and slender, almost to the point to being too slender. Though this is more from a lack of taking time to eat rather than from a desire to be so thin. Unlike many of her race, she appears older than than her natural age of seventeen. Mostly because she had little time to be a child, though who does in Wind Reaches. But also because she has such an air of seriousness around her, as well as calm control that is often reflected to her patients through her oddly colored eyes. At times a light brown, they can be gold or green as well depending on the circumstance. When going about a normal day that does not included healing, then brown is and steady as a wren; when happy, green for certain, and the color of a hummingbird's back. She will be bright and humming as said bird as well. When golden though, she is all business, and for certain this is her most often seen color as her eyes convey her confidence to her patients, and as a healer, confidence is key to her gift. A slender nose anchors the oval shap of her face, just short of center, and a slightly larger upper lip keeps her features from being too perfect and adds character. It's when she smiles that her true beauty shines through as her inner light brings a warm glow to her porceline complection and set a fire to make her eyes glow with an incandescence blaze. She keeps her hair chopped short so that it doesn't interfer with her work, and she isn't needing to keep worrying about pushing it out of her eyes while she sets about healing. History: The child of Eagle Rider parents, it was their hope that she also would impress early and ride the skies on the back of the a giant eagle, chosen to impress and guard, a warrior through and through. And though her parents' blood ran through her veins, and their strength of body and mind; another claimed her, and the mark of Rak'keli shone clearly upon her newborn flesh. She honored her mark fervently and the goddess who gave it to her, being passionate in her devotions. Karis loves healing and is good at it as well. Person or animal, friend or foe, it matters not to her. If it is hurt and needs tending, Karis is drawn to it. Most often not extremely chatty, she is not considered shy, nor is it thought that she is quiet; she simply gets her point across in her efficient manner. True to her people's nature, she rarely minces words. Though quite forward when healing, she loses some of her confidence and boldness when she removes her "healing" cap, and the power young woman fades back into the shadows. In a people where bold is the norm, she is only standout when healing. A war rages within herself, one that struggles to come to some understanding of who she is, and who she should be. Part of this loss of confidence comes from the fact that her parents, now dead, had wanted her to forgo her gnosis mark and train even harder at warrior training, sure that she would bond early and well. When she refused, they chose to turn their backs on her, and were killed before a reconsiliation, if one could ever happen, took place. Now, Karis hopes to being training as a warrior, though the thought of taking another life is repellant, and she had little hope that she will bond with an Eagle, the war within her rages until she burns with a need to seek a final answer--whatever the cost. She must settle both sides of her nature and bring herself some measure of peace, or know for certain healer or warrior. 1 basic 20x20 single room in the commons. (400 sq feet) with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table. |
Second tab Monies
Monies and purchases
Karis's basic starting pack:
1 set of clothing ( 1 vinati, 1 pair of bryda)
1 katinu
1 pair of boots
1 water skin
1 backpack
1 comb, razor, soap
free food for a week
1 eating knife
flint and steel
Family Heirloom
Mother's bow and arrow
100 pinions (equal to 100 gold mizas)
Karis's basic starting pack:
1 set of clothing ( 1 vinati, 1 pair of bryda)
1 katinu
1 pair of boots
1 water skin
1 backpack
1 comb, razor, soap
free food for a week
1 eating knife
flint and steel
Family Heirloom
Mother's bow and arrow
100 pinions (equal to 100 gold mizas)
100 Pinions
Supplied with:
1 set of clothing ( 1 vinati, 1 pair of bryda)
1 katinu
1 pair of boots
1 water skin
1 backpack
1 comb, razor, soap
free food for a week
1 eating knife
flint and steel
Family Heirloom
Mother's long bow and arrows.
Purchases: 100 Pinions
Supplied with:
1 set of clothing ( 1 vinati, 1 pair of bryda)
1 katinu
1 pair of boots
1 water skin
1 backpack
1 comb, razor, soap
free food for a week
1 eating knife
flint and steel
Family Heirloom
Mother's long bow and arrows.
Purchases: 100 Pinions
- Pot, Iron 5 sm
Water Additive 2 gm
Blanket, Winter 5 sm
Torch 2 cm
Traveller’s Stock
3 gm
Oil (1-Pint Flask) 1 sm
Tent, one-person 2 gm
Healer’s Kit 50 gm
ale 2 gm
Toolkit, Herbalist/Botanist 20 gm
soft wool fabric 3 gm
Total expenditures: 95 Pinions
Remaining Pinions: 5
Third tab Skills
Skill Info
Medicine 30
herbalism 15
hunting 5
Long Bow 10 (racial bonus)
not picked yet
Medicine 30
herbalism 15
hunting 5
Long Bow 10 (racial bonus)
not picked yet
fourth tab Lore and Ext. Info
Lore and other extraneous Info.
Lore of Wind Reach flora
Lore of fauna native to Wind Reach
Lore of Wind Reach flora
Lore of fauna native to Wind Reach