Hello Ladies!
My name is Iosha and I reside in Wind Reach. I am one of those loud and boisterous Konti who left Mura and joined people more like her the Inarta. I have to say. I love playing this race, and I think this character has become my main character yay!
I do have two questions about us. How quickly do Konti age? I read in the lore. Physically Konti age quite fast. Is it the same for mental development too?
Also I am rather dumb when it comes to the internet, and I was meaning to add myself and my konti gift to the wiki too. How do I go about doing it? Oh here it is.
Konti Gift- Death Visions: Iosha has the ability to sense the death in twenty foot radius around her. She can sense the names of the people who died, how they died, and when they died. The visions will show her the events leading up to the time of the person death. If she stands on the spot the person died, the vision can converse with her their last wish. These visions are uncontrollable and will appear to Iosha when she comes into area where someone has died. These visions tend to be emotionally disturbing to Iosha, for the most of childhood, she thought the dead were following her. She would lock herself in her room till the visions go away. Today, she will try avoid known battle fields and places where death was widespread. However, the gift is also helpful to law enforcement officers since she can retell how a person or people died.
See you all around