by Miro on October 6th, 2011, 12:27 am
The instant Keido started forward, Miro had made his decision. The strategy was too good to pass up, even if it did take the fun out of the fight. Miro remained held over Griever, but his focus was split. Half of his attention on Keido, the other half on his right arm. His djed began to flow around his arm, thinning from the other areas of his body, and thickening the entirety of his forearm. While taking to the pool, he began manipulating it, spinning it around gaining speed, hidden behind the thick robe. There was only the question of the how to use it efficiently. The attack was powerful, and if he continued to add to the gathering res, he would find himself a murderer. A quick draw and a quicker warning would suffice. There is no shame in helping a foe keep from serious harm. After all, he did not want to ruin the mans life, let alone kill him.
Keido remained positioned, ready to strike. It seemed he was awaiting Miro to make an action, this was fine. He wouldn't act like he was doing anything at all, until it was too late that is. Griever was not the weapon of choice in this fight, but worked as a great facade. What he really wanted was at his hip, in his scrollcase. Diamond Dust, the perfect tool against an opponent without armor. It was time to make the first move, and it was going to be a big one. Keido had a spear, it looked formidable, devastating if it were to land a strike. How would he land a strike? Throwing would be a perfect way to get a distance strike, but that would leave him without a weapon. There were simple ways of avoiding such a weapon, if he was fast enough.
Miro readied himself for an attack. He would start the show with a bang. He took Griever and flung him into the air with his right hand. The cane went soaring several feet into the air. Without breaking his concentration, his left hand dropped to his scrollcasing. His right arm, upon its lift eased out the res, still spinning it. Miro detached a case and moved his res down to it. He opened the case and emptied it into the center of the mass of spinning res and dropped the case. He steadied his attack with both of his hands. The effort to ready the attack left him slightly fatigued. A drop of sweat ran from his brow down to his cheek.
Griever landed behind him, falling over in the sand. Miro broke his focus yet again, this time leaving him somewhat vulnerable. He tasked his mind with three things now. First and most importantly, on Keido, his target. Secondly on his spell, intended for his target. And finally, he moved his remaining res to his left arm, covering it as a whole, pooling mostly near the hand. He started forward, closing the distance between him and his enemy. Gradually he ran forward, watching closely on Keido. If he would strike, he would use his res over his left hand to try to counter via a strong gust of wind. If he was able to work his way in to a distance of fifteen feet, then he would unleash Diamond Dust. The swirling wind storm would send a field of sharp ice crystals slicing apart anything caught in the torrential blast. The res was formed loosely, creating a much larger, less devastating attack, covering a large area in front of him. He was ready for a decisive victory, if Diamond Dust landed, Keido would be covered in tiny lacerations, leaving him in a critical state.
Miro ran, closing in on the distance, nearly twenty feet between them when he screamed a warning. "Cover your face if you don't want to go blind!" Still, he continued forward closing the gap. If Keido tried to dodge, gaining an advantageous position Miro would retreat and line up a definitive strike. If he charged forward he would strike with the attack, taking him out. In the case of a thrown counter attack, Miro would use res to blow it off course. He had a plan, but one could not account for everything one might do. It was time to see who was truly the better fighter.