Brusque orders scoured the air in an attempt to organize the chaos, loud and calm, from the mouths of the guards surrounding the clinic grounds. Captain Astrid had released the hand of her child's father to raise her own, voice a steady beacon of command. A lingering glance was leveled on Sitkanis, her expression clear: their conversation would continue later. Then Cinna, a corporal of the guard, was pulling her away at a rushing jog toward the edge of the orchards and the festival where torch light and the shadows of watchmen alone seemed to be holding back the night. "Stirling!" Delano Marx, Lieutenant of the Academy, gripped Talen's shoulder, seeming to be spat out by the frantic crowd. Bark brown eyes sought the paler hue of the young guardsman and he jerked his chin toward the local musicians who were still wailing that strange music to say, "You and your friends," here he indicated Seodai and Lysander, "Make them stop. Now. I think the music is what's maddening the kelvics." The boy and the elder fiddler seemed in a trance, motions slow and eyes closed, oblivious to the eruptions surrounding them. Delano pushed past Talen and crew in the next minute, having caught sight of the Vantha hunter tear off after the kelvic bear who had recently come to town. Once free of the crowd, the lieutenant broke in a dead run. Air whistled in his ears and the dirt road leading from the cliff side clinic down into Denval proper flew beneath his feet. Time was running out, however, and he was not fast enough. Digging boot heels hard into the packed earth, he skidded and scraped to a halt when the grizzly shape of Galio was visible in his charge of Haraza. The composite bow glowed like a bone moon as the lieutenant jerked it free of its sling. He rocked back, lean shoulders straightening and an arrow fleched with gull feathers sliding through his fingers. An eye narrowed and if any were around him, they might hear his breath stop. Haraza and Galio were over a hundred yards out, but the path was clear and the stars were bright. A whispered prayer was risen up from the archer's mouth and he bellowed, "DOWN!" The arrow shot through the sky and in proof of the lieutenant's mastery or Denvali fortune found its mark in Galio's thigh. The last thing Delano wanted to do was kill the kelvic, but he also did not want the kelvic to kill the hunter. "Veldrys, keep Hanno close," Jarret was saying while climbing to his feet, gnarled hands glittering with blood black and silver that was difficult to discern as having been the contents of the exploded vial or of his own veins. "And come with me, please," he ordered, a man as military as the rest of those born and raised on this edge of the world.
Jarret snatched a beaten leather bag out from beneath the display table and strode through the crowd, clearly certain that his demands would be met by the Symenestra and Vantha child. The guards were slowly but steadily beginning to calm the crowd, for reasons not yet even rumored refusing to let them past the circles of torch light and watch rings surrounding the clinic grounds. Instead. they were ushering the elderly and the terribly small through the gardens and into the clinic itself. "Move it," Jarret snapped at an antsy, over excited shop keep, gave a healthy shove to another roaming citizen and ultimately dropped to his knees beside the wounded kelvic Lucy where she had fallen. "Be calm," the old physician grouched with an oddly reassuring manner down at the girl. Shoulders shrugged and Jarret let go of his jacket to drop it over her naked form, two stained and trembling fingers stabbing through the air in silent direction for Veldrys. "Help," Jarret said simply.
"Don't even think about it," Jarret warned Hanno next when it appeared to his wise, old eyes at least as if the girl was about to bounce and jolt off, possibly in search of her father.
A soft, low whistle collected up all of Lucette's feral attention. A shadow shifted and from the glare and glow of embattled torch light stepped Cian Noc. The priest's face gleamed with Rak'keli's opal kiss as he sank into a partial crouch, empty hands spread palm up before him and gold flecked eyes holding the lithe, growling cheetah's regard.
"Lucette," Cian pitched his words as he would with any patient, smooth and competent. The fingers of one hand crooked slowly, beckoning as he fought to keep the dangerous cat's attention targeted on him.
He prayed somebody would stop that damnable music.
Past the borders of torch light, at angle from where Delano Marx had run to spare two lives, another figure bolted. Cinna Dahl's long, pale ponytail bannered as she sought in the direction her captain had pointed her, sword jangling at her hip and footsteps echoing against the walls of empty streets.
"Hey!" She cried, rounding a corner to spy the strange silhouettes of Syllke, Vanos and the crumpled Murphy. "Hey, hey, hey. Is he alright? Petch. Vanos, isn't it?" Pond water eyes tilted up at the Isur as the lithe young woman stumbled to a halt, bending over with Syllke over the fallen kelvic. "You can carry him then? You need to get back to the clinic grounds. It isn't safe out here."
Meanwhile, Cinna pressed her fingers beneath Murphy's jaw, concern tugging at the corners of her mouth. She looked back up, this time focusing on Syllke.
"It really isn't safe," she reiterated. "You need to return to the festival, where there are guards. Where you can help. Denval needs you. There --"
The tell tale scrape of steel being bared to the night cut off the guards woman. Her eyes slanted sideways, toward the ally from which the sound had come and then she was shoving up straight, reaching for her own sword hilt.
"Go," she whispered. "Run." |