Today has been one of "those" days. You know, where you knew from the moment you woke up that staying in bed was what you really, truly wanted to do, but you had way to much to do to be able to do so.
But then, you get that extra tingle in the back of your head that makes your neck hairs stand on end, and you know it's not only going to be one of "those" days but one of THOSE days and all you and do is grit your teeth and hope you have enough money to cover the damages.
Jated, that's my honey, took a friend of ours to the big city, a two hour drive away, so she could have surgery. Our friend, Dar, drives a paper route at night and needed someone to do it while she had this surgery. Who do you think offered?
"Waves hands, Oh me! Pick me please!" Yes, that's right, I did! Her niece and daughter were supposed to show me the to speak.
But, I'm getting ahead of myself. 
There was an argument with the girls because they all didn't know where, when, who, why they were going to meet--even though I had made arrangements with the eldest about the whseywheresiwhatsits. Drama was more fun. At two AM, I finally get out the door to pick up the papers when someone blocks my car and high beams me, running me off the road and bottoming me out over a short drop-off. Fun stuff!
When I said, why would you high beam someone, pull up on their right side to park, and block them in? She said, "I wanted to make sure I was off the road." She made sure she was alright. She was at least 20 feet off.
The daughter cancelled. It was raining too hard and she had only a motorcycle to get where we were meeting. The directions to pick up the niece were wrong and though she said she was outside, when I passed her apartment building 3 times, she was nowhere to be seen.
Meanwhile, we begin to deliver the papers, and are two and a half hours into it when my transmission starts to slip...yeah... yes indeedy, no transmission fluid at all. I had cracked the tranny pan when we went over.
Had to go straight home.
At least the dogs are home safe and sound from their little excursion into the woods.
I did mention that Mum left the door open and the dogs got loose and we spent hours walking all over town looking for them?
So, now that it is 12:30, I feel relieved. Today is a new day, and the hairs are not standing up on my neck! YAY!!! I have a better feeling about today. And that makes me happy.
I think tomorrow is safe. If not, there is the day after that. 