Fall 14th, AV 511 Outside, in the streets of Sunberth there was a woman, standing next to a man. A man mired hip deep in the comings and goings of Sunberth's underbelly. A man who went simply by the name, Tua. Tua was a business man of course, in the habit of making money and money making was his business. He ran a tight shift in the Establishment, and that meant having workers who knew how to be punctual, discrete, and most importantly, on time no matter who or what troubles they encountered. They couldn't allow themselves to be slowed by muggers, or thieves, or discovered in the dead of night, so stealth would be a key factor of their abilities. If it wasn't then at least their ability to run away would be taxed. These were what his Word Runners were for: many a time simple messengers that were good enough to remain silent on where they would go or what they would do in Tua's employ. They were meant be this way... otherwise : if they risked his business there would certainly be consequences down the line. Many of the letters or packages they would carry would be harmless: merely one of many letters of recommendation to the business owners of sunberth telling them that a person of some worth would be sent their way to ensure their business needs were met. This was the normal job of a Word Runner, and Tua expected much from them. With a large black envelope in his hand, he turned it around so Zandelia could see the name and address of the indicated recipiant. For this particular envelope it was asked to be delivered to the Dragoon Training grounds, inside the gated community to an old man named "Mac." "You have a bell and a half to make it there and back... But be careful when you cut through the warehouse district, a few gangs are tending to jump anyone that try to pass. If you succeed within the allotted time, I'll consider you hired for the job. If you fail to make it back within that time frame, then we'll see whether there's anywhere else for you to go. If you fail to deliver the letter at all, unopened and still sealed, then you will wish you never existed because I will not hesitate to have you sent off to the slave blocks, do you understand?" Zandelia seemed to nod once, and then was handed the letter. Without much further ado, the woman who would be a word runner would turn and be off about her task. If she seemed to look back over her shoulder, then the only sight of things she would have seen would have been Tua, disappearing back inside the establishment. Not even glancing another time in her direction as his notice was directed towards other items of business which needed his attention... |