by Kinneas on August 13th, 2011, 3:48 am
10th Summer 510 AV
Kinneas sighed as he walked along with Miro, the kid walking slightly ahead because their destination was clear enough and he did not need to lead anymore. He was glad that Miro was excited about seeing Alvadas, the gods knew that Kinneas had told him enough stories about the place to capture his imagination. Kinne would laugh some, taking some time to remember all that had happened here. Both good and bad memories lied shrouded this place for him, Alvadas, his home. Though in this homecoming he wanted it to be sweet, and to show Miro everything that Alvadas held for him when he was a child. Knowing Miro is hardly a child anymore, but still quite child-like himself, he smiled at the chance to share his home with him. Over the years he found that his thoughts on Miro were changing, and he felt responsible for him, he, in his own mind, had become the guy’s guardian.
”Miro,” He started watching the boy who had gotten ahead of him, mostly because of his own slowness in walking due to his bruised legs. Having been training a little too hard nights in a row he hadn’t had the proper time to heal before traveling again, but then again it was going to be nice to finally be home. Their collective funds were running slim, and he knew that Alvadas had plenty of jobs for hire. That and he could show the boy around town, well, the best he could since it was ever shifting, ever changing. It would be interesting to say the least. ”could you slow down a bit?” he asked seeing him getting even further ahead, in excitement? He smiled wondering just how excited Miro was to see Alvadas.
Finally reaching the gates he looked up at the face, that itself having the power to invoke memories of when he left Alvadas, and only looked up at it impassive as it asked the question, ”We are here, returning, to Alvadas. In seek of shelter and work.” He told it quite simply, and then continued through the gates.
Last edited by
Kinneas on August 13th, 2011, 4:57 am, edited 1 time in total.