10th of Fall, 511AV. Midnight. [After their last meeting Eryss had followed the progress of Antar, the mage had come to realize that he was easily one of his most competent operatives, watching him accomplish his own endeavours until it was time for the two of them to meet again. Unlike the last time Eryss had decided to be a little more open with Antar during this meeting and would help him to gain a better control of both his Reimancy skills as well as his fledgling understanding of Shielding. Eryss was not an easy teacher however so Antar could be assured that the lessons he stood to be taught would be harsh if he was a slow learner.] [Eryss waited. Dressed in the robes that he was most often seen with, dark brown linen, he mingled well with the surrounding area at this late hour of the night on the outskirts of Sunberth. Waiting in an open field not far from the walls of Sunberth Eryss had gathered wood which he bundled together in what appeared to be a loose pyramid. Discharging a small amount of res from his hand he would ignite into a bolt of flame that fired down into the wood causing it to spark and burn with the radiance of fire as the wood began to crackle and pop.] [Crouching down by the fire Eryss would outstretch his hands and begin to feed off the heat expelled from the flame slowly. Warming himself while he waited for Antar, he’d sent him a summons earlier in the day letting him know to be at this location tonight. He let his thoughts drift to an extent while he was waiting. Tonight Eryss had set up a bit of a training course for Antar.] [Nearby two trees could be found where earlier Eryss had created a Shield tasked specifically to block biologics from crossing between the trees. It was translucent, stretching from one tree to the other, invisible until someone tried to cross its threshold and found themselves forcibly barred from doing so by either being blocked or outright ejected backwards if their momentum was too great. When this happened the Shield would shimmer as though it were water that had just been disturbed, rippling outwards from the point of impact, before calming itself again and resuming an altogether unseen existence.] [Behind the Shield that crossed between the trees he’d hung several small objects from the branches. Nothing overly important. There were a few bottles and other things such as this. Items that could easily be used for target practice which was likely the intention of having them there. Part of advancing in Reimancy involved line of sight, control, and aim; things such as this were paramount obviously as Reimancers controlled the res that they generated.] [Uncorking a flask of water that he had left beside himself Eryss drank from the water held inside of the container. Thus far Fall had been a particularly uneventful season for him though other members of the Crimson Edge, and associates of his, had been busier; he’d need to become more active before the season was over. Eryss wanted, desperately, to claim territory of his own that could supply his organization with a steady income so that they wouldn’t need to resort to constant brigandry. He had started to feel that raiding travellers and poor merchants was beneath all of them and was no way to get ahead but he understood he’d need to bide his time and wait until the groups that controlled Sunberth were to busy fighting with one another to notice his attack.] [When he had drank his fill of the water in the flask, resting and slowly regenerating his personal djed, while waiting for Antar he’d set it aside and consider events that were presently occurring in the city once more. Everything in Sunberth was like an enormous game of chess and the denizens of the city were the same as chess pieces that were being moved around the board by the various individuals controlling the game. What he needed to do, Eryss realized, was something that would transform him from a powerful piece on the board to one of the hands moving pieces around it.] [Beneath the hood of the robes he wore Eryss eyes had begun to redden slowly, his flesh saturating with the djed flowing throughout his body, he was not an entirely patient man but he had begun to show restraint and control as compared to when he arrived in this city with Cade. Eryss was still just as deadly though and unpredictable, just when someone thought they understood him or had an idea as to what his plans were he would find new ways to surprise them sometimes with adverse results. Nothing was ever certain when dealing with him.] |