It had not been terribly difficult to find the place called Traveler's Row; a couple of the citizens of Syliras had been braver than the rest, though one of them had merely pointed the way. Eventually, however, Aranta stands in the office. He blinks a few times, adjusting to the dimmer light than the blazing sunlight of the outer world before he approaches the desk. "Hello," he says politely. "I am looking for lodging for the rest of the season."
The woman - Konti, Aranta guesses from the scales that adorn her skin and the white hair - gives him a curious look before nodding. "What type of room? I have a simple room and an elegant room, for one silver miza a day and ten silver mizas a day respectively. I also have apartments with a bedroom and living room; simple ones are three silver mizas daily, the elegant ones are thirty."
Aranta considers for a moment before asking, "How much for a double simple room for the rest of the season?"
"Well," the Konti says consideringly, obviously thinking. "There are sixty-one days left, and at three silver mizas a day, that's... one gold miza, eight silver, and three copper."
Aranta nods. "I'm considering making my home in Syliras, so I will take a simple double room; I do not need much to be content."
"If you stay indefinitely, then I can give you a twenty-five percent discount per season," the woman says. "That would make your total for the rest of this month one gold miza, three silver, and eight copper."
"I'll do that, then," Aranta says, fishing in his rucksack for his money pouch; he counts out the required money and passes it over the desk.
"Help yourself to a cookie," the Konti invites as she takes the money. "I just need to fill out some paperwork; my name is Matilda, by the way."
"Aranta," the Zith says with a nod, taking one of the cookies and biting into it; he makes a pleased noise as the flavor hits his tongue, and devours the cookie before Matilda returns.
"Here is your key," she says with a smile. "Enjoy your stay."
Aranta takes the key with an answering smile, careful not to show too much of his teeth. "Thank you." |