Timeline: Day 26 of Fall, 509 AV Cassidy shimmied down the rope onto the casinor, her casinor, for the first time. She looked up at her family still aboard the ship that her been her home up until now. The morning light seemed to cast a halo around the crew, exemplifying exactly what she was leaving behind. Smiling, she waved goodbye; this was her choice and it was the correct choice. While she was untying her casinor from the larger palivar she was interrupted by the familiar motherly voice of Lia Proudreef. “Cassidy, take one last thing from us before you leave; take the name Undertow. Let it be a reminder to always look for the hidden under current in the sea and especially in the dealings with the mainlanders.” “Of course Lia” Cassidy hesitated for a beat, “I will miss you, I will miss all of you.” Before the scene could get anymore sappy Cassidy shoved off the palivar and hustled over to the tiller to set her direction; south. She glanced at the other boats in the pod as she past but staunchly refused to look back. Consequently it was an hour before she realized she’d been followed. Even then the only reason she noticed was because Urchin, her sea otter tavan, surfaced near the starboard side and chirped a high pitched mew. As she turned to greet the tavan Cassidy caught sight of the ship on the horizon; another small solo vessel. While she could out run most mainlander ships being this close to the pod meant she wasn’t in any real danger. She decided to allow the encounter; leaving the tiller she moved on to adjust the rigging to slow her speed. Finally, she turned to study the approaching ship. When she could finally make out that it was another casinor her tension eased away and she waited for the impending encounter. |