Timestamp: 7th of Fall, early morning Syna sat just above the horizon, his light spilling across the sea of grass from the cloudless sky with the promise of another pleasant day hanging in the air, especially since the thunder storms of a couple of days before had cleared at last. They’d certainly been a busy couple of days for Atticus and his stablehands too, the horses hadn’t been fond of the violent storms and they’d spent much of their time making sure the animals weren’t growing too restive while they were cooped within the pavilions sealed against the weather. Still it seemed that now at least that Zulrav’s passion was spent the weather would return to its more usual balmy comfort, something that Atticus was particularly grateful for since the horses would be able to get some exercise again, and he wouldn’t have to worry quite so much about the pregnant mares suffering in the noise of the storms. There were a couple of stallions that had yet to be properly broken in too, getting them out of their confinement to let them run off some of their pent up energy was definitely on the list of things to do today. Well there was that, and that he wouldn’t have to consider putting a tunic on. With thoughts and plans for the day ahead Atticus moved through his stables, the familiar and beloved sights and sounds bringing a wide grin to his face and a shine to his eyes as his hand drifted down horses’ flanks or patted them on the nose as he made his morning round, making sure that all was well with the animals. As he went he took note of which he thought would need some extra attention, his keen, experienced eye not missing even the smallest details. Soon enough he turned his attention to the stablehands at their work, a pleased grin pulling at his lips as he followed their progress in their morning chores. His voice boomed out, calling to and joking with them one by one, before clapping them on the shoulder or ruffling their hair after he'd handed out their instructions for the day ahead, his great belly laughs acting like a beacon for anyone who wished to find him. His smile was infectious and he knew today was going to be a good day, the better weather was just a bonus. There were a couple of mares who he was sure were ready to foal, the saddle horse he’d been particularly worried about seemed to be recovering nicely and since the Run was nearing the city of Claridon there was bound to be some trade from there before too long. If anything he could probably do with some extra help, at least ‘til things settled down again. |