[Steeds and Yves] Horses for Courses (Caoin)

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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[Steeds and Yves] Horses for Courses (Caoin)

Postby Quixotic on October 5th, 2011, 8:39 am

Timestamp: 7th of Fall, early morning

Syna sat just above the horizon, his light spilling across the sea of grass from the cloudless sky with the promise of another pleasant day hanging in the air, especially since the thunder storms of a couple of days before had cleared at last. They’d certainly been a busy couple of days for Atticus and his stablehands too, the horses hadn’t been fond of the violent storms and they’d spent much of their time making sure the animals weren’t growing too restive while they were cooped within the pavilions sealed against the weather. Still it seemed that now at least that Zulrav’s passion was spent the weather would return to its more usual balmy comfort, something that Atticus was particularly grateful for since the horses would be able to get some exercise again, and he wouldn’t have to worry quite so much about the pregnant mares suffering in the noise of the storms. There were a couple of stallions that had yet to be properly broken in too, getting them out of their confinement to let them run off some of their pent up energy was definitely on the list of things to do today. Well there was that, and that he wouldn’t have to consider putting a tunic on.

With thoughts and plans for the day ahead Atticus moved through his stables, the familiar and beloved sights and sounds bringing a wide grin to his face and a shine to his eyes as his hand drifted down horses’ flanks or patted them on the nose as he made his morning round, making sure that all was well with the animals. As he went he took note of which he thought would need some extra attention, his keen, experienced eye not missing even the smallest details. Soon enough he turned his attention to the stablehands at their work, a pleased grin pulling at his lips as he followed their progress in their morning chores. His voice boomed out, calling to and joking with them one by one, before clapping them on the shoulder or ruffling their hair after he'd handed out their instructions for the day ahead, his great belly laughs acting like a beacon for anyone who wished to find him. His smile was infectious and he knew today was going to be a good day, the better weather was just a bonus. There were a couple of mares who he was sure were ready to foal, the saddle horse he’d been particularly worried about seemed to be recovering nicely and since the Run was nearing the city of Claridon there was bound to be some trade from there before too long. If anything he could probably do with some extra help, at least ‘til things settled down again.
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[Steeds and Yves] Horses for Courses (Caoin)

Postby Caoin on October 7th, 2011, 12:28 pm

The last couple of days had nearly driven Caoin insane, the thunder storms forcing her to remain indoors when she would much prefer to be out riding or running her dogs. Outdoor work of any type would have sufficed for the woman. Of course, now that the storms had subsided, there was quite a bit of work to be done all over Endrykas. Animals city wide had been cooped up inside the tents, and they were all itching to get out as bad as she was.

In light of the fact that her family had everything with their own horses and dogs under control, Caoin's father had decided to loan her out to help someone else. This is the reason why Caoin found herself standing just inside the entrance of a certain pavilion, watching stable hands as they busied themselves with morning chores. Her gaze moved from left to right and back again, scanning the tent for the man in charge. He wasn't a man who was difficult to locate, given that his voice carried over the din of the rest of the pavilion.

Once she'd located the man, Caoin made her way over to him. The Drykas woman cleared her throat politely as she stopped a few feet behind him. "Excuse me, Atticus, correct?" She stood there in her one good outfit, her backpack resting against her back.
Last edited by Caoin on October 12th, 2011, 6:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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[Steeds and Yves] Horses for Courses (Caoin)

Postby Quixotic on October 10th, 2011, 4:30 pm

Atticus turned on his heel at the sound of someone clearing their throat behind him, his eyes flicking up and down the girl before him with his customary wide grin firmly in place. "Atticus is my name yes and you'd be..." if possible he grinned even wider as he snapped his fingers "Caoin of course, your father said you'd be coming, he found you a husband yet lass?" His chuckled loudly as he clapped her on the shoulder and a flicked a glance behind him to run his eyes over the horses. "Hope you're ready to work, lots to do today with them all being cooped up for the last couple of days, but your father said you've some experience with the horses, good thing too seeing as how he does such a fine job with the ones he sends me. You going to follow in his footsteps then? he carried on conversationally as he turned and motioned for her follow him deeper into the stables. Stable hands scurried up to him as he walked, took their instructions and scurried off again and all the while his feet instinctively stepped over the horse dung, almost as if he knew it were there without having to look.

You can start off with Grel, and he pointed to a younger Drykas boy with a mess of chestnut hair and eyes to match that glanced up at the mention of his name. It seemed he was still in the middle of his growth spurt given the height of the hem of his faded purple trousers and the shortness of the sleeves on his matching shirt. “he’s a good lad, going to be shifting the stallions out to give them a bit of run, work off some of that energy they’ve gotten. They’ll need a good brushing down once you’re through, and feeding too. Think you can handle that lass?” he finished, turning back to her with his ever present smile. It was clear his question was an honest one, not meant to demean or slight her. Grel himself gave Caoin a polite nod before clicking his fingers and whistling shrilly at one of the stallions, clicking his tongue in encouragement as it followed him out of the tent and onto the grass outside. It would appear for all his youth he was good with the horses, just as you’d expect given that he was working with Atticus.
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[Steeds and Yves] Horses for Courses (Caoin)

Postby Caoin on October 12th, 2011, 8:21 am

Caoin had to fight to hold back a visible cringe as Atticus inquired about the status of her father's search for a husband, as it was, she managed to keep it to a slight twitch at the corners of her eyes and lips. The subject of marriage was not a pleasant one for the woman, to say the least. She wasn't quite ready to settle down yet, which wouldn't be such a problem if she could just decide on what she wanted to do (so she could do it and be done with it, of course) before she was ready. "Not yet, but he's not giving up," was the polite response that the innocent question received as Caoin followed a few steps behind Atticus. Her eyes were cast slightly downward as she watched his back and the floor ahead of them, noting his movements as he avoided the piles of horse dung. She moved when and where he moved, tracing his steps so that she could avoid the droppings as well, though she could have moved around them in another direction if she'd cared to.

"You give me work and I'll do it," Caoin offered as Atticus inquired about her readiness, "and if I don't know how to do it, I'll learn how." She wasn't a slacker and she was always eager to learn more about horses and how to work with them, so Caoin had no qualms with getting her hands dirty working with the fine animals. "Unless my father changes his mind about my chosen profession, I've every intention of taking up the family business."

As Atticus pointed out Grel and introduced the boy, Caoin glanced up to see who she would be working with. The boy gave her a nod of greeting as Atticus explained what the two of them would be working on together, and she returned the greeting in kind as she listened to the instructions. "I think I can handle it, sure," she answered before glancing around at the remaining horses. "Which one should I start with?"
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[Steeds and Yves] Horses for Courses (Caoin)

Postby Quixotic on October 12th, 2011, 1:02 pm

Atticus gave her an approving nod at her words, "That's the spirit lass, I’ve always got room for those who want to work, and if you’re anything like as good as your father with them I’d lay money happily on you making your mark in the business. Just don’t forget about me when you do, there’s no-one better to deal with than me.” His joyous laugh boomed out again, but his eyes had flicked over her shoulder to assess the herd behind her, a thoughtful look glinting in them for just a moment. “Anyway, you just start with whichever of them you like, they all need a run, if you've got any questions ask Grel, he'll see you right." and with that and the flash of another wide, beaming grin Atticus walked back the way they'd come from, apparently entirely confident in Caoin's abilities to look after the horses without him. The horses themselves were a mix of breeds and an experienced eye would be able to pick out Zavians, Semes, a variety that could have been from any breed and even the rare sight of what had to be a Sungold and the unmistakeable faint glow of a Gilding in the muted light of the pavilion. Fine animals indeed the pair of them and it wasn’t often that the opportunity to get a closer look at them came up.

There had to be around twenty of the animals overall, and though they seemed reasonably placid there was more than a little impatient snorting and a few were pawing at the ground as they looked towards the open flap. Grel wandered back in, patting one of the more impatient seeming ones fondly on the nose before clicking his tongue for it and leading it outside, glancing over at Caoin as he did with a little smile and simply saying “You coming then?” before he disappeared back into the sunlight streaming into the pavilion. With the stallion he’d led out of the way there was something else to see so long as you were paying attention. One of the horses who’d been hidden behind the larger stallion seemed to be favouring its left forehoof, seemingly nervous about moving at all. It wasn’t a grand or glamorous sight like the purebreds, in fact it was somewhat squat and short in comparison, but it was clear that it was hurting.
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[Steeds and Yves] Horses for Courses (Caoin)

Postby Caoin on October 13th, 2011, 5:00 am

"I'd be a fool to forget a man as good as you, sir. I don't plan on breaking ties with any of the fine folk that my family does business with." Caoin wanted to reassure Atticus that she had no intentions of forgetting him in the future, whether she remained with her own family or branched off into her own business (though it was likely she would simply take over managing things when her father was unable to).

As Atticus finished his instructions, Caoin listened carefully and then watched him walk off to attend to other business. Left to her own devices while Grel was still outside with the last horse he'd taken out, she began to examine the stallions that were left. There were several that she recognized as breeds that her own family worked with, and there were others that she'd seen, but only on the rare occasion. Her eyes were drawn to a few stallions of rare breed, such as Sungolds and Gildings, certainly the type of beasts that would catch even the most inexperienced eye. While she was admiring the finer specimens, Grel's voice broke through her thoughts as he re-entered the pavilion. Caoin returned the smile that he offered as he inquired as to where she had any plans to join him, "Aye, let me just grab one of these boys. I know they're all eager to feel the sun on their backs."

Grel led the larger stallion that he'd retrieved out of the tent, expecting Caoin to follow, but she wouldn't follow as quickly as expected. Now that she could see the homelier beast that had been hidden before, she took a moment to look him over just as she had done the others. She was looking for signs that a horse needed particular attention, the ones that needed to be moved out or seen to first, and this particular one caught her eye. He was favoring a forehoof, nervously avoiding putting weight on it or moving it. He wasn't the prettiest of animals, compared to the Sungolds or the Gildings, but that made him no less worth her time and care.

Caoin approached the injured horse in a calm, yet confident, manner. She didn't want to approach aggressively, but she also couldn't be nonchalant or nervous in her approach, or she risked spooking the animal with her body language. As she drew closer, Caoin held out her hand with her palm flat so that the horse could smell her and get used to her scent in order to keep him relaxed. "Hey there, boy. What's the matter with that foreleg of yours, eh?" Her voice was soothing, not a hint of worry or nervousness. If the horse didn't spook and remained calm, Caoin would close the distance between them and run her other hand down his neck.
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