9th Fall 511AV It had been a long journey here. A very long journey indeed. He could sense his draft horse underneath him was growing increasingly tired. And why not? The horse was at this moment was carrying all of his possessions along with him. He was an outcast, completely disowned by his kind. So he left them and went to the surface, he took with him the raw material of his craft, his weapon and his horse. That was all he needed in order to make it in this world. He was an Isur! Strong, proud and defiant to the end. He wouldn’t let being simply cast out claim his dignity or respect. No, he would make everything anew. Just like he knew he could. He was skilled; this much he knew. And he was going to make his way here, in this city. He really didn’t know what he was doing here to tell the truth. Sunberth…an interesting place but a place as good as any to start in. He just needed to make it somewhere, he was skilled, but he wondered just how far this skill could and would take him. He wore what he could scrounge before leaving; simple unassuming clothing with a black robe draped over it. His armor was tucked away in the saddlebags of his draft horse, and his bastard sword was at his side. He was passing into the city now, and spotted an interesting spot. A large pile of something. It was a slag heap. He knew the smell and the look. But what was this massive heap of burning noxious mass doing here? He was pondering this for a while. Why would anyone leave such a thing here? He looked around it and well it almost seemed like the city was proud of it. Proud? How could anyone be proud of such an establishment? He didn’t understand and had a feeling that there was much more of that to come as he made his way closer to the slag heap. He got close and then dismounted looking about. There were some people here, but none that really stood out to him as of now. He looked up to his draft horse and shook his head speaking Isur to it. “You know, I think this is my kinda place. General terror, a city that is locally insane. It is indeed an interesting place.” He looked about and well here was as good a place as any to just take it all in. And take it all in he did. The smell of the slag heap hit him full on. It would’ve floored him only he was almost prepared for it. He shook his head as if that was going to get rid of it. Stretching he then shook his head a little. He looked about and well took it all in again. Yes, this was the place for him to start. Somewhere unassuming where he could make his mark and do something. Maybe there was a smith about these parts. Yes there could be a smith around here somewhere. That would be a good place to start maybe. He could get employment there. |