It was amusing to see the banter between Darik and the short fellow. It spoke of a tension between them that spanned a little while back. They obviously didn't enjoy being around each other, but by the way...Bob (it was so generic he was going to have a difficult time remembering his name) clung so close to Zandelia, the two were most likely friends. That was most likely the reason dark hadn't outright ask for him dead. Shame, it might have been his pleasure to see the man, and maybe the mutt, sliced up into pieces. Still, with the way Darik threatened him if he left, he might still get that opprotunity. His amusement died when Darik threatened him as well, raising a brow in sarcastic interest. "Mouse, I dare you to try and have me slaughtered. You'd be the next one to fall into an early grave." he hissed lowly, a rare seriousness on his face and lacing his voice. It was gone almost as soon as it had appeared when he heard what Darik had called him. Lyth nearly laughed at the name. Vapour...Well, it was a heck of a lot better than what he had expected from the boy, especially after the name he had given him earlier. Maybe he'd adopt the name as an alias, though that wouldn't be very practical with all three of his companions knowing that meant him. The racial profiling comment made him worry slightly, though he kept it to himself. He'd ask Darik about it later, not wanting to bring up his race in front of the others. Mouse already knew he was a half-blood, the other's didn't need to. A familiar grin touched his lips as the man delved deeper into his plan. "Aw, Bob gets to be the entertainer?" He asked, eyes darting to the small man momentarily, before going back to Darik. "It would have been amusing to see the Sun's Birth guards chasing after you." He made it sound like a joke, but he honestly wouldn't mind watching either of them running around and maybe even be caught be the guards. However, to watch that would be to neglect his own part of the mission. His grin twisted wider as he listened. He had to infiltrate the building, assassinate all the guards inside, and kill Goldfinger? Lyth gave a small laugh, quickly smothering it under his hand. "Ah Darik, you put so much faith in my abilities." The laugh was to hide the fact that he was nervous. How did Darik think that he, himself, one person, would be able to take out all the guards?! He was an assassin, not a battle master. Sure, he could take out any lone guards, but if he was caught in a group, he'd be petching lucky to escape alive...Or end up dead, from some of the stories he had heard about Sun's Birth. It didn't ease his worry any when Darik offered Zan's help in taking out the guards. He was to place his faith in this woman's abilities? Granted, she looked dangerous and experienced, but still, he knew nothing about her. How did he know she wouldn't leave him to fend on his own? He didn't voice his worries though. And to top everything off, they had to bring the body, the entire body, out of the community. Of course, because a child, a little man, a woman, and himself were going to be able to carry the dead weight out without getting spotted. "Can't we just take his head?" He mumbled quietly, coming close to sounding like he was whining. His interest may have been captured, but he was becoming more and more worried about his life as Darik went on. He let Zandelia voice her opinions, finding he agreed with a lot of it. He let out a small snort when she used his name. Of course she didn't believe that was his name, who in their right mind would name a child Vapour? "We all agree that Darik's plan is less than ideal, Zan." He interjected once she was finished. "But he has given us a bit of an outline to work off of, even if a lot of it could be changed to make it better. There's four of us, I'm sure we can come up with a good plan of action." Ugh, he sounded like he was giving a pep talk. It made him sick. And why the hell was he defending Darik?! He was defiantly going soft.. Talcum would be laughing. His eyes turned to said boy, flashing a soft free in his irritation with himself. "Do we have to bring the body intact, or can we bring the whole body back in pieces. That sounds easier than lugging a whole man out." It made sense to himself, however gruesome it was. "And is this plan catering to your skills?" He turned, asking the two he was unfamiliar with. "What are you able to do. If we all know what we're capable of, we can make a plan that play up to that when we make this plan." That was a truth. He had no idea what even Darik was capable of. It would be easier for all of them if they knew what they all were able to do. Ugh, this is why he let his emotions run him; he was far too nice when he was thinking logically. |