10 Fall 511 AV Scharis pushed open the door to the Beer Hut slowly with one hand, walking into the dull din of sound coming from the customers who were arrayed throughout the building, sitting at the bar and at tables throughout the place. He wore no armor tonight, instead wearing his casual clothing for his work at the Hut. He did have one Scimitar strapped over his shoulder though. He hadn’t been here long, but he had already found out that it was good to have a weapon on you when needed. But over the scimitar’s scabbard was his lute, carefully placed along his back. Scharis smiled to Malfasar as he walked through the hut, his boots thumping steadily along the wood planking as he made his way toward the bar, “Evening, Boss! Looks like a good crowd tonight. What’s the mood tonight?” The owner of the beer hut looked around a little bit, “Well, most of ‘em seem pretty happy today. There’s a few who are a bit down on their luck though. So mix it up a bit tonight, could ya?” Scharis nodded a little, “I think I can pull that one off. Any chance for a drink?” Malfasar eyed the Eypharian a little bit, “Well, business has been up a bit more since you started playin’, so I’ll give you a drink or two on the house. Af’er that, ya start payin’” Scharis chuckled a little, “Fair enough, Boss.” Scharis waited to get his ale before he headed over to a small table in the corner that was empty, making his way past customers with a smile on his face. He took a little bit of time getting himself ready, setting the ale off to the side of the table as he took his instrument from his back. As he sat down, he worked the strings a little bit, making sure that everything sounded like it was in tune right. It took a moment to get everything right where it needed to be. As he tuned, he worked on which song he was going to start with. He wanted to make it something that would please both the happy and the downtrodden customers both. He grinned a little to himself as he settled back into the seat, situating the instrument in his lap before taking a good long drink from his mug. Once done, he cleared his throat a little bit. He wasn’t really sure why, this wasn’t a song with words to it, but at least it got a few of the patrons’ attention. And with that, Scharis slowly set off into his little tune. As soon as he started playing, more of the people looked over toward him. It was still a little odd for them to see the man playing his lute in the bar. He had started not that long ago so many of the patrons, at least the regulars, were still getting used to seeing him here. The passer-by merchants just thought it odd for such a small place to have a minstrel on hand to play for the guests. Scharis didn’t care either way for it. He was being paid to play here for whoever was here, so he would always play and sing his best when he was here, liven up the place when needed or sometimes mellow out a rowdy crowd with somber music. He was working on his skills while making a few coin at the same time. Granted, most times the coin that he made was paid back in his bar tab, but it was well worth it for time spent here, talking to people, playing music, and getting out of the inn for the night. Scharis’s fingers slowly started to glide over the strings of the instrument, picking out the notes for the music in turn. He used both of his right hands to pluck the strings while only his lower left hand moved over the frets of the neck gently as he played the song. He was definitely glad to have multiple arms. It made playing the instrument that much easier for him. He looked over the crowd as he played to make sure that the people were enjoying the music so far. He always watched their faces when they looked over to him, trying to discern their appreciation, or lack thereof, for what he was playing. It was a tricky task, but he was getting much better at it each night. He was starting to get used to things around here, as he worked on getting better at his music. Current Song :