Xavier Goban Terras

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Xavier Goban Terras

Postby Xavier Goban Terras on October 9th, 2011, 7:36 am

Basic Information

Race: Isur
Birthday & Age : 40 years of age. Winter 471 AV
Gender: Male


Language 1: Fluent - Isur
Language 2: Basic - Common
Language 3: Poor - Kontinese

Physical Description

Just like the rest of his race he stands at a even 5 feet yet even at his short height compared to most races Xavier's body is very muscular which is not outside what a normal Isur looks like. He weighs around 230 pounds give or take. As with all Isur Xavier also holds the slight bony ridge along his face which is above his dark brown eyes to his nose. His deep blood red hair is always tied back behind his head which falls to his shoulder blades.

Silver like veins flow along the surface of his pale skin. Just like a human would have blue veins Xavier has normal silver of a isur yet unlike a normal human his smooth veins stand out slighty more along his body. His Izentor mark runs along his shoulder of his right arm. His own mark seems to be the start of a elaborate design of vines crawling along his skin. His left arm is a deep purple which show which clan he was born into.

Character History

Sultros, a perfect city by all views of any Isur, was home to Xavier. It was perfect in every term almost. Xavier was born in winter of 471 AV into the Terras clan which made him one of the rarer males born into the almost pure female clan.

Sultros was built into not one city but five city for each clan held a city almost. For Xavier this meant he lived and worked in the Terras city which was ran by females whiched helped shaped Xaviers view of life. He was taught like every female growing up that females could always do things better then men. That even meant they could do more then Xavier and meant that Xavier had to work harder in every area that he did to prove his worth even if he was treated as a equal to the rest of the females. His clan always came first no matter what as being loyal was the one of the things it meant to be a Terras.

As he grew up his everyday life dealt with learning with the rest of the children and spending a lot of time in the forge. As he learned more of blacksmithing Xavier took a liking to weapons and learned how to craft them as well. If anything was not prefect he would have to remelt it and do it again until he got it right. Nothing was worth having if it had a mistake and nothing was worth doing if you did not try for perfection.

As Xavier grew up he had many Terra females sought him out for mating due to it was belived that their offspring would be of purer bloodline due to being both born in the clan. Yet due to females trying to mate and marry it gave Xavier a good grasp of Seduction and how it played a role in life. While he had a good number of offers Xavier had to turn them down saying he could really only marry once he has proved his worth as a Terras.

Xavier wanted to prove his worth more and more with his skills and after long debates with his family and the leader of the Terras clan he was granted premission to leave the city for the outside world. He would return when he thought he could show any Isur and any other race just how well the Terras could be when it came to crafting masterworks of art. He was also told that other clan members were out in the world and that to always help thy clan.

So Xavier left on his own in the year 509 Av during a summer. On his travel he met a Konti who said she felt the calling and was out of her city. Due to Xavier life around females he felt at ease around the young looking female and travled with her for a bit learning a bit about her lanauge which was called Kontinese and her city in return she learned more of what drove him to seek out to be the best in the world.

At the start of year 510 Av they had parted ways and Xavier felt like it was wise to head to the Konti city called Mura.

Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)

Gnosis mark information Marks How came to be
Izentor, able to impart properties on s item he has made. Mark 1 Race


Blacksmithing - 14
Weaponsmithing - 20
Seduction- 26

Understanding tools of blacksmithing
Understanding Izurdin

Equipment and Possessions

Item Description Price Found
Basic forgers toolkit Small toolkit which holds the basic tools a blacksmith needs to create items at a forge N/A Starting package - heirloom
1 set of clothing White cotton tunic, black cotton pants, leather boots, wool cape n/a Starting package
1 waterskin Basic watersin to hold water n/a Starting package
1 backpack Holds toiletries, food, eating knife, flint and steel n/a starting package


Amount Thread/reason total
+600 Starting package no house 600 GM
- 9 gold Renting room for season591

Thread List
Last edited by Xavier Goban Terras on October 20th, 2011, 8:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Xavier Goban Terras
Posts: 9
Words: 8993
Joined roleplay: October 9th, 2011, 5:29 am
Race: Isur
Character sheet

Xavier Goban Terras - Thread list

Postby Xavier Goban Terras on October 20th, 2011, 8:34 pm

511 Fall -

Xavier rents a room for the season - Fall 3 511 av
Xavier Goban Terras
Posts: 9
Words: 8993
Joined roleplay: October 9th, 2011, 5:29 am
Race: Isur
Character sheet

Xavier Goban Terras

Postby Cowboy on October 29th, 2011, 3:34 am

Hey, I'm Cowboy, a Character Sheet Liaison here to help you with your CS. I'm here to help you understand the Lore and work out the kinks in your CS so that you can resume playing on Mizahar.

Please apply at the Help Desk for your Gnosis mark, and add the Storyteller's Secrets thread to your profile upon completion.

Everything else on your CS is good to go.

If you have any questions or concerns about this Intervention, please leave me a note in my Office and I'll do my best to help you out. Once you have corrected your CS, please send me a Private Message and I'll remove this notice so you may resume playing your character.

Welcome to Mizahar!

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