Soghar of the Tainted Souls Race: Myrian Birthday & Age : 28 years old; 45th of Winter 483 AV Gender: Male Languages Myrian: Fluent Common: Basic Animalistic Sounds: Poor Physical Description Soghar is a pureblooded Myrian eventhough he doesn't really look like one, for some reason he is much less tanned than most, if not all, Myrians. He has a few other characteristics that make him stand out a bit. His hair, for instance, is on the short side but still made into a rugged mohawk. He has no piercings whatsoever, mainly because he wants his first piercings to be maledicted items. He also doesn't wear useless trinkets in his hair or elsewhere, he doesn't like the idea of decorating oneself for the mere purpose of standing out. Tattoos are different though, they have symbolism and mean something. He's the proud owner of warpaint-tattoos. They're tattoos that, once finished, resemble paint. He has received that form of tattoos to indicate he is always ready for hunting, defending Taloba, ejecting the Dhani and Charoda from Falyndar, defending Myri, and much more. Basicly it means he's always up for a fight, work and duty. He has 4 sets of tattoos, a shimmering tarnished golden band that goes horizontally over his face, over his eyes and nosebridge. The other 3 are all made in black: *One vertically black line over his face that goes right over his lefteye. *4 clawmarks over the rightside of his forehead, also in black. * 3 clawmarks on his leftshoulders, also in black. He is quite tall, 6'1'' and has an atlethicly built body, he is about the same as the average Myrian in terms of strength and dexterity. NotesIgnore his necklaces, he'll never be spotted IC with trinkets, jewelry or particularly fashionable clothes...Unless they have meaning and/or some sort of effect on him. Character Concept Soghar is a member of a rather peculiar clan, the Tainted Souls. Nobody really understands why their clan is named like that, although it is widely known that the Tainted Souls practice a certain magic that imbues remains of a deceased creature with odd powers, and then process it into something a useable item. Nobody fears or judges the clan for their Malediction practices and the fact that their members are usually warriors before Maledictors, helps to maintain the clan's status. Although the Tainted Souls clanname might have originated when the original matriarch/founder of the clan was tainted by a cursed Maledicted item and her skin turned from a beautiful Myriantone to a rather grayish ashlike tone. Sometimes females of the Tainted Souls give birth to a Myrian child with the same ashlike skintone as the founding matriarch's cursed skin. Although this is just a theoretical myth, within the clan, it is widely believed to be true. Soghar is a proud member of the Tainted Souls, he is never lazy or uninspired. He's a kind Myrian with pride in his race, clan and Goddess-Queen. Being fairly skilled with a spear aswell as with Malediction is proving to beneficial to him, like being rewarded by his mother for his diligent studying Malediction under her guidance. A Charoda-bone hilted dagger was his reward, but it was up to him to Maledict it. Soghar is not above killing a creature or person to obtain its remains for Malediction purposes, but he would never harm a Myrian or Myrian Tiger for those reasons. He doesn't feel that he has a rather twisted way of seeing things, he just believes that Falyndar is for Myrians and that all other beings there, have to either obey the Myrians, leave, or die. And if the being is dead, why not make use of its remains? Myrians don't believe in wasting useful resources. Character History Soghar has never left Falyndar in his life and, as every Myrian, has served at least 3 years in the army. He isn't planning on stopping there though, he intends to serve in the army for as long as he can, before setting out into the world to become even stronger and more skilled in Malediction and perhaps even learn other branches of magic. Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)
Lores: *Lore of being a novice Maledictor *Lore of serving in the Myrian Army *Picking fights with another Myrian *Settling conflicts with Violence *Taloba Location: Tower of Bones *Bone Carving technique: Tracing the image to be carved using a pencil ~ Maledicted Items ~ Bone Dagger - Crafted from the femur bone of a Charoda, the weapon is relatively fragile compared to blades crafted from another creature's bones. It is effective for stabbing and slashing unarmored opponents, but would easily break against armored foes or if it hit a particularly hard bone structure (e.g. skull). As such, it has very little defensive capabilities, and would shatter if used to parry powerful blows. Malediction effect: The dagger instills a bit of fear on the wielder when facing a superior foe. Those of lesser heart would flee in the face of such adversity, though as a Myrian, Soghar can resist this effect unless he's against overwhelming odds. The weapon allows the wielder to run away from danger a little bit faster than if they were not wielding it, or if they were running for any other reason other than to flee such a situation. NOTES: Soghar has a cracked knuckle, received on the 1st of Fall, in the thread: Maledicting A Gift. (The injury/pain will be RP'd on the next, closest-dated, IC thread.) Equipment and Possessions Maledicted Bonehilted Dagger (Charoda Dagger (Bone comes from a Charoda) (Heirloom) Starter Package (Cashed-In Shelter, he lives in The Garisson for the time being.) Engraver's Toolkit Bonecarver's Toolkit Paints & Dyes, Common (1 pound) Sighting Lens Bladed Boots Rucksack Double Bladed Dagger (Haladie) 3-Ball Bollas (Picture) 1 Robe Of Leaves 117 Bikka Ledger
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